Grandiloquent Dictionary
- dactyliology - ( )
- The study of finger rings
- dactylion - ( )
- The tip of the middle finger
- dactylonomy - ( )
- Counting using one's fingers
- daedalian - ( )
- Ingenious and cunningly designed
- deasil - ( )
- To move in a clockwise direction
- decidophobia - ( )
- A fear of making decisions
- decollate - ( )
- To remove someone's head, or to decapitate someone
- decubitis - ( )
- One's position or posture while sleeping
- defalcation - ( )
- Misappropriation of funds by the person or group entrusted with them
- defecalgesiophobia - ( )
- A fear of defecation
- defenestrate - ( )
- To throw out of a window
- deiparous - ( )
- Giving birth to a god or a goddess
- deipnophobia - ( )
- A fear of dinner conversation
- deipnosophy - ( )
- Learned conversation conducted while dining
- deisidaimonia - ( )
- The fear of supernatural powers
- deltiologist - ( )
- A collector of picture postcards
- dementophobia - ( )
- A fear of insanity or going insane
- demitoilet - ( )
- A style of elaborate but not formal dress
- demiurge - ( )
- The creator of a world, whether real or mythical
- demonocracy - ( )
- Rulership by demons
- demonomancy - ( )
- Divination by demons
- demonophobia - ( )
- A fear of demons
- demophobia - ( )
- A fear of crowds or people
- dendrochronology - ( )
- The study of growth rings in logs to determine climates
- dendrology - ( )
- The study of trees
- dendrophillia - ( )
- The love of trees
- dendrophobia - ( )
- The fear of trees
- dentiloquent - ( )
- Pertaining to someone who talks through their teeth
- deoppilate - ( )
- To remove an obstruction
- deorsumversion - ( )
- A turning down
- dephlegmate - ( )
- To distill something, such as alcohol
- dephlogisticate - ( )
- To make something fireproof
- dermatoglyphics - ( )
- The study of skin patterns, such as finger prints
- dermatopathophobia - ( )
- A fear of skin diseases
- dermatophobia - ( )
- A fear of skin
- deuterogamist - ( )
- A widow who chooses to remarry
- dextrophobia - ( )
- A fear of the right or things to the right
- dextrosinistral - ( )
- A left handed person who is trained to use their right hand
- dghaisa - ( )
- A small boat used in Malta, similar to a gondola
- dharna - ( )
- A method of collecting a debt in which the person who is owed money sits on the debtors doorstep until payment is made, or the debtor starves to death
- diabolarchy - ( )
- Rulership by the devil
- diacritics - ( )
- The marks used in dictionaries to symbolize pronounciation
- didaskaleinophobia - ( )
- A fear of school
- didine - ( )
- Resembling a dodo bird
- dikephobia - ( )
- A fear of justice
- dinmont - ( )
- A castrated ram between one and two years old
- dinophobia - ( )
- A fear of dizziness
- diophysitic - ( )
- Having two separate personalities
- diplasiasmus - ( )
- The incorrect doubling of a letter when spelling a word
- dippoldism - ( )
- The act of beating or whipping school children
- dipsomanophobia - ( )
- A fear of drinking alcohol
- dipsophobia - ( )
- A fear of drinking alcohol
- discophoran - ( )
- Like a jellyfish
- dishabillophobia - ( )
- The fear of undressing or undressing in front of someone
- dithyramb - ( )
- A hymn or poem to honor Bacchus
- ditokous - ( )
- Producing twins
- diurnation - ( )
- To sleep during the day
- divigate - ( )
- To stray, as in the opposite of navigate
- divitiphobia - ( )
- The fear of wealth
- doctiloquent - ( )
- Talking about a subject which you have studied and know a lot about
- dolabriform - ( )
- Shaped like the head of an ax
- doles - ( )
- The two short grips on the handle of a scythe
- dolichocephalic - ( )
- Having a head that is longer than it is wide
- dolichprosopic - ( )
- Having an unusually long face
- dolorifuge - ( )
- Something that cures grief
- domatologist - ( )
- A professional housekeeper
- domatophobia - ( )
- A fear of houses or being stuck in a house
- dommerer - ( )
- A beggar who fakes being deaf and mute
- dompteuse - ( )
- A woman who trains animals
- doraphobia - ( )
- A fear of fur or animal skins
- dorsodynia - ( )
- A pain in the back
- doytin - ( )
- To walk about stupidly
- drapetomania - ( )
- An overwhelming urge to run away from home
- dratchell - ( )
- A slovenly, lazy woman
- dringle - ( )
- Somebody who likes to waste time
- drintling - ( )
- The clucking noise made by turkeys
- dririmancy - ( )
- Divination by dripping blood
- dromophobia - ( )
- The fear of streets or crossing the street
- droud - ( )
- An oafish woman
- dulocracy - ( )
- A government formed of privileged slaves
- dunnage - ( )
- 1. The loose stuffing used to keep cargo from getting wet or from moving
- dunnage - ( )
- 2. The material placed in boxes to protect the contents from damage
- dunnage - ( )
- 3. Any form of luggage or baggage
- dwaible - ( )
- being unstable
- dwale - ( )
- To wander about deliriously
- dysania - ( )
- The state of having a rough time waking up in the morning
- dysepulotic - ( )
- Not healing quickly or easily
- dysesthesia - ( )
- An impairment of the senses, especially the sense of touch
- dysmorphophobia - ( )
- A fear of being deformed
- dysnomy - ( )
- The creation of flawed laws which cause more problems
- dysphoria - ( )
- An unwell feeling
- dysteleogist - ( )
- One who believes in the purposeless of nature
- dystopia - ( )
- A society in which the conditions or horrid and people miserable. Also the opposite of utopia
- dystychiphobia - ( )
- A fear of accidents
- dyvors - ( )
- People or businesses who have gone bankrupt or are disreputable
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