Grandiloquent Dictionary
Grandiloquent Dictionary
- jactancy - ( )
- The act of boasting or bragging
- jactitate - ( )
- To toss and turn or to toss back and forth
- jaculiferous - ( )
- Having a spine resembling a row of darts
- jarble - ( )
- To smear with grime and mud
- jauk - ( )
- To dally or to trifle, or to be slow in performing tasks
- jecoral - ( )
- Pertaining to the liver
- jeeter - ( )
- A rude, uncouth slob
- jejunator - ( )
- A person who fasts
- jentacular - ( )
- Pertaining to breakfast
- jeofail - ( )
- A costly mistake made by a lawyer , usually in court
- jerque - ( )
- To search for smuggled items
- jookerie - ( )
- Trickery or the act of swindling
- joola - ( )
- A suspension bridge built out of ropes
- jowfair - ( )
- An event which does not occur after much planning, such as a wedding with no groom
- jowter - ( )
- A person who sells fish
- jubate - ( )
- Fringed with a mane of long hair
- jumentous - ( )
- Smelling like horse urine
- junta - ( )
- All the people who are involved in some form of political intrique
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