Grandiloquent Dictionary
Grandiloquent Dictionary
- kaffiyeh - ( )
- The cloth head gear worn by many palestinians
- kainophobia - ( )
- See cainophobia
- kainotophobia - ( )
- See cainophobia
- kakidrosiphobia - ( )
- A fear of body odour or sweat
- kakistocracy - ( )
- Rulership by the worst leader
- kakorrhaphiophobia - ( )
- A fear of failure
- kalling - ( )
- Fortunetelling based on what variety of cabbage a blindfolded person picks
- kalogram - ( )
- A monogram which uses the persons full name
- kalology - ( )
- The study of beauty
- kalopsia - ( )
- The delusion that things are more beautiful than they really are
- kamalayka - ( )
- A shirt made of seal guts
- kantele - ( )
- A five stringed harp from Finland
- karao - ( )
- The marriage of a widow to her brother-in-law
- katagelophobia - ( )
- See catagelophobia
- kathenotheism - ( )
- The belief that there are multiple gods with a single leader
- kathisophobia - ( )
- See cathisophobia
- keb - ( )
- An ewe which has aborted its lamb
- kebbie - ( )
- A Scottish walking stick or cudgel
- keedug - ( )
- A raincoat made out of an old sack
- keelivine - ( )
- A pencil which uses lead
- kenophobia - ( )
- The fear of open spaces
- kepi - ( )
- The hat worn by members of the french foreign legion
- keraunophobia - ( )
- The fear of thunderbolts (lightning or thunder and lightning)
- keraunoscopia - ( )
- Divination using thunder
- kerdomeletia - ( )
- An excessive desire for material wealth
- kerf - ( )
- The initial cut made in a piece of wood that is used to guide the saw blade
- kevel - ( )
- To paw the ground and toss one's head like a bull
- kinesipathy - ( )
- The practice of treating illness with exercise
- kinesophobia - ( )
- A fear of motion or movement
- kirkbuzzer - ( )
- One who robs churches
- kiyoodle - ( )
- A mangy, worthless dog
- klebenleiben - ( )
- A pathological reluctance to stop talking about a given subject
- klebenleiben - ( )
- The reluctance to stop talking about a certain subject
- knissomancy - ( )
- Divination using burning incense
- koimetrophobia - ( )
- A fear of cemeteries
- koinoniphobia - ( )
- A fear of a room full of people
- koniophobia - ( )
- A fear of dust
- kopophobia - ( )
- A fear of being mentally or physically exhausted
- korophilia - ( )
- Being attracted to young men or boys
- kosmokrator - ( )
- The ruler of the world
- krobylos - ( )
- A tuft of hair on top of one's head
- krukolibidinous - ( )
- The act of staring at someone's crotch
- kurveyor - ( )
- A travelling merchant who sells dry goods from a cart
- kymatology - ( )
- The study of waves
- kymophobia - ( )
- See cymophobia
- kynophobia - ( )
- See cynophobia
- kyphophobia - ( )
- The fear of stooping
- kyphorrhinos - ( )
- Having a nose with a bump in it
- kyphotic - ( )
- Hump-backed
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