Grandiloquent Dictionary
Grandiloquent Dictionary
- uloid - ( )
- Resembling a scar
- ulotrichous - ( )
- Having very wooly hair
- ultimogeniture - ( )
- Inheritance by the youngest son
- ultracrepidarian - ( )
- One who speaks or offers opinions in subjects they know nothing about
- ultracrepidarianism - ( )
- The act or habit of talking constantly about subjects of which you know little or nothing
- ultroneous - ( )
- Pertaining to a witness who testifies voluntarily
- unasinous - ( )
- being equally stupid or assinine
- undecillion - ( )
- A large number - a one followed by either 36 or 66 zeroes.
- undigenous - ( )
- Created or generated by water
- undinism - ( )
- The trait of having erotic thoughts when viewing or thinking of water
- unigravida - ( )
- A woman's first pregnancy
- uranomancy - ( )
- Divination by consulting the heavens
- uranomania - ( )
- The delusion that one is of Heavenly descent
- uranophobia - ( )
- A fear of heaven
- urbicolous - ( )
- Living in the city
- uredinology - ( )
- The study of rust
- uredinology - ( )
- The study of rust
- uredophobia - ( )
- See urticariaphobia
- urimancy - ( )
- Magic or fortunetelling using urine
- urophobia - ( )
- The fear of urinating
- urticariaphobia - ( )
- A fear of itching
- urticate - ( )
- 1. To beat with a whip
- urticate - ( )
- 2. To sting with nettles
- ustulate - ( )
- Scorched or discolored from prolonged exposure to heat
- usufruct - ( )
- The right to use another's property, with the condition that the property be unchanged
- utlesse - ( )
- An escape from prison
- uvate - ( )
- Grape jam or jelly
- uxoricide - ( )
- The murder of a wife by her husband
- uxorious - ( )
- Excessively devoted to one's husband
- uxorodespotic - ( )
- Tyrranical rulership by one's wife
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