Weather Data at Nitinat Lake

    I set up at weather station at Nitinat Lake for the Weekend.  This was a classic Nitinat weekend.  Saturday morning everyone that camped out Friday night was awoken by the sound of wind starting at nine o'clock.  I got out about 11:30am on my GO Board with a 6.0 SailWorks sail and lasted for about an hour on this. Then the fog started to roll in off the Pacific and the wind started to crank up.  After five hours of sailing I'd had enough.  Sunday was mellower and Paul Betts ran the first of the Nitinat Roberts Slalom Race Series from 1:30 to 2:30.  Conditions were 6.0 to 7.0 during the race and after the race conditions were 5.5 to 6.0.  Generally it was a pretty good weekend.  Monday looked like it was going to kick in because the fog bank was still there.