rian's Prime Choices
It's long past time for a review of my HomePage. I must apologize, but if you know of my Golf Link then you can guess why I've been absent. I promise to be more dilligent in updating my pages. Surf remains up (but the waves are much larger than the last time I tidied up this page) and I am still adding even more links to this page.
If you have comments, why not send me E-mail?
Links and New Items
Daughter of New Links - In order to facilitate more timely alterations to my Links, I've decided to have a separate Page for New Links! Hope you like it!
Brian's Golf Links
- Everyone's Favourite Hobby - Try my home course or in the terminology of Golf - Links!! Now in Golf-Type colours!!! There have been new Links added!!
Home Pages
Microsoft Corporation World-Wide-Web ServerJust in case you had a hankering to find some good ol' Windows stuff, here's MS HomePage
Big Blue and Cousins - IMHO, The BEST computer user's group and club in Canada (They were kind enough to give this page a plug!) - Watch Out, Deep Cove!!
The PCW Best of British Web Sites Page
GUS Resources - Are you a fan of Gravis Ultrasound ? - I am a believer and this is a good compendium of the latest info, patches and upgrades
(Bob Allison's Home Page) Tips For Web SpinnersAn interesting place to start to learn how to create Web Pages
Welcome to Canadian Airlines!They are improving this one almost daily!
Island Net
Hall of Shame HomepagesThe Worst of the Web
The Discovery Channel CanadaJust to prove that we have some neat stuff here North of the 48th (Or is it 49th? - maybe we need a buffer zone.).
OLD HOMEPAGE This is the Original Home Page that previously resided here. This is just in case you had a favourite link that I removed.
NewLinks This is the Original NewLinks that previously resided here. This is just in case you had a favourite link that I removed.
NewLinks Too This is the Original NewLinks Too that previously resided here. This is just in case you had a favourite link that I removed.
Son of New Links This is the Original Son of Links that previously resided here. This is just in case you had a favourite link that I removed
The Real Beer Page
British Columbia World-Wide Web (HTTP) Servers/Home Pages
BoWeb '94 Award Recipients
Electronic Telegraph
There is a new sign-in Procedure
Frank Hilliard
Playboy Table Of Contents - This is a different server location
Penthouse Magazine
The Guide to OnLine Newspapers
Hustler Online
- An on-line version - you must "sign-up" to get full access.
Associated Press
- The absolutely latest news from AP
Archie Request Form
Aimnet Favorite Places
Australian Sites
Government Gopher
Links to other information sources - UK Version
London WWW Servers
The Lycos Home Page: Hunting WWW Information
Query Interface to the WWW Home Pages Harvest Broker
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Home Pages
Yahoo - A Guide to WWW
- This Link has listed my HomePage !!
FTP Sites
CMC Information Sources
Demon Internet FTP Server (UK)
The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Compliant SoftwareTruly not an FTP Site but it is extremely good for S/W. Check out my Link Page for more.
FTP Interface
Interesting Sites
MasterCard International PointersBrought to you by that old favorite - Master Card!!
USA TODAY - Top of the News (Today's Date, 1995)This one probably belongs in Publications, but give it a try anyway.
UI Rugby WWW serverStart your own Rugby Tour.
Crispen's HomepageThe author of the RoadMap Seminars. How to Navigate the InterNet - I swear by this!!
The Postcard StoreTired of sending black and white E-Mail? Send a full colour artistic postcard. I like this one too.
RealAudio Partner SitesOnce you have installed Real Audio, you need something to listen to. Try the Hourly news from ABC.
World Birthday Web (WBW) - Add your name to the list to receive B'Day greetings. This works fine. I received over 30 messages on my Birthday!.
Updated 09 Oct1995 on an Island in the Pacific
You are the person to access this page since Thanksgiving Day.
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