Grandiloquent Dictionary
Grandiloquent Dictionary
- qasida - ( )
- A form of arabic poetry
- qiviut - ( )
- The soft undercoat on a musk ox, often used in making coats
- quadragenerian - ( )
- A person who is 40 years old, or between 40 and 50
- quadrel - ( )
- A square stone or tile
- quadrifid - ( )
- To be cut into four pieces
- quadrigamist - ( )
- Someone who either has been married four times or who is married to four people
- quadriliteral - ( )
- Pertaining to a word which has four letters
- quadrumane - ( )
- A four handed animal, such as a monkey or ape
- quaestuary - ( )
- Seeking money or trying to make money
- qualtagh - ( KWOL-tok )
- The first person you see after leaving your house
- quartan - ( KWOR-tan )
- Something which occurs every four days
- quasihemidemisemiquaver - ( )
- According to British musical notation, a 128th note
- quatrayle - ( )
- One's great great great grandfather
- quean - ( kween )
- 1. A whore or prostitute
- quean - ( kween )
- 2. A young, unmarried woman
- quercine - ( )
- Pertaining to an oak tree
- quiddler - ( )
- A person who hangs around wasting time at work and making conversation with people who are working
- quidnunc - ( )
- A person who always wants to know what is going on
- quincunx - ( )
- A set of five objects arranged with one at each corner of a square, and the fifth in the center
- quinquagesimal - ( )
- Consisting of fifty days
- quinquepartite - ( )
- Having five parts
- quisquilian - ( )
- Consisting of trash and rubbish
- quodlibertarian - ( )
- A pedantic person who engages in elaborate arguments about minor things
- quodlibet - ( )
- A subtle debate over a theological point by Christians
- quoin - ( )
- An external angle in a wall or building
- quomodocunquize - ( )
- To make money by any means possible
- quotidian - ( )
- Occuring every day
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