Grandiloquent Dictionary
Grandiloquent Dictionary
- zarf - ( )
- A special sleeve for a coffee cup or a beer can
- zeitgeist - ( )
- The general culture, education, and morals of a given era
- zelophobia - ( )
- A fear of jealousy or intense emotion
- zenzizenzizenzic - ( )
- A number raised to the eighth power
- zills - ( )
- The finger cymbals worn by belly dancers
- zizith - ( )
- The fringes at the corners of a tallith
- zoanthropy - ( )
- The delusion that one is an animal
- zob - ( )
- A worthless person
- zoonosis - ( )
- Any disease that can be passed from animals to humans
- zoophobia - ( )
- A fear of animals
- zori - ( )
- A form of sandals with a leather strap over the instep and a leather strip between the hallux and second toe
- zucchetto - ( )
- A skull cap worn by Roman Catholic clerics
- zygodactyl - ( )
- Having two toes pointing forward and two backwards
- zymology - ( )
- The study of fermentation
- zythepsary - ( )
- A brewery
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