The following fractal screen savers are written using the chaos game rules listed at Autotheist's Science Corner.
These screen savers are based on a unique mathematical result that a random number generator and a collection of geometric transformations can be used to produce virtually any fractal. THE PATTERNS ARE NOT PROGRAMMED INTO THE SCREENSAVER!
Sierpinski's Triangle (640x480) - Four copies of Sierpinski's famous triangle. Within each triangle are three smaller triangles. And each smaller triangle is another Sierpinski triangle.
Sierpinski's Triangle (800x600) - Same as above, but for an 800x600 screen.
Sierpinski's Carpet (640x480) - One large carpet composed of eight exact copies of itself.
Sierpinski's Carpet (800x600) - Same as above, but for an 800x600 screen.
Fern Leaf (800x600) - A random number generated fractal resembling a fern branch. It is drawn in random shades of green.
Heighway's Dragon (800x600) - This pattern cannot truly be described, it must be seen. This one can also be produced by bending a straight line at a right angle, and then repeating for every line between bends.
Koch Coastline (800x600) - The famous coastline generated by random numbers.
I am also currently working on combining these fractals into one screen
saver which will randomly choose which one to draw. However until I have
time to increase the efficiency, it will not run on most computers due
to lack of memmory.
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