About Friendship Radio Games CW contest

The Morse code sending and receiving (CW) contest is actually three different activities: Morse code sending, Morse code receiving, and the pileup receiving contest.

The sending contest is to send a fixed message as quickly and accurately as possible. A panel of judges determine the accuracy and assess a 'quality' rating. There is a system of handicapping to equalize the use of hand key, semi-automatic key, or electronic keyer. Competitors are encouraged to bring their own favourite key, but a variety of equipment is available.

The receiving contest has all contestants listening to and copying a series of messages consisting of random, 5-character groups. The speed of the messages increases in 5 wpm steps. Competitors must copy at least one continuous minute without error to qualify at a particular speed level.

The pileup receiving test has the competitors listen to a prepared tape which consists of call signs being sent at various speeds and levels, sometimes one time, sometimes repeated, and perhaps with different pitches. The object is to record as many of the call signs as possible.

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