British Ancient Coins on Trading Cards

Set of 25 Amalgamated Tobacco Company trading cards depicting "British Coins and Costumes".
The front of each card shows a color picture of an ancient person in costume and a coin of the time. The back of each card has the name, set name, card number, trade text and a biography of the scene featured.
Date: 1958.
Size of each card 1.4 x 2.6 inches.
Coins depicted are:
- ring money--Celtic
- Ancient British Coin
- Roman coin of Augustus
- Copper coin of Hadrian
- Silver coin of Alfred 872 A.D.—901 A.D.
- Coin of Edward the Confessor
- Coin of William 1
- Coin of John
- Coin of Henry 111
- Edward 111 Groat
- Noble of Henry V
- Angel of Edward lV
- Sovereign of Henry Vll
- Crown of Henry Vll
- Groat of Edward Vl
- Angel of Elizabeth l
- Shilling of James l
- 10s. 0d. Piece of Charles l
- Newark Shilling, Charles l
- Cromwell Sixpence
- James ll Halfpenny
- Shilling of William and Mary
- Anne Farthing
- George l Halfpenny
- George ll Shilling

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