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1. The Public Library - a good librarian is trained to research information. They can help you find business and fan club addresses for individual celebrities. Also, while you are at the library you can check in Who's Who in America 2007, 2 Vol. Set (WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA)
. It contains the contact addresses for many celebrities.
2. Movie Stars and Sports Personalities - there is a book that provides alphabetical listings of more than 3500 current celebrity addresses which is available in most bookstores for about $15.00. It is called simply
The Address Book (9th ed)
by Michael Levine, published by Perigree.
3. TV Stars - Write to the television network that carries your favorite celebrity's show. They will forward your letter for you.
4. Internet News Groups - There are many news groups devoted to specific celebrities. Lots of people participate and share information. If you have a question about your favorite celebrity, some nice person is bound to help you out. To find out what news groups carry information on your celebrity, do a search at the following Internet address. Spelling counts - make sure you have the correct spelling of your favorite star's name. Google Newsgroup Search
5. Singers and Bands - Look on the album covers of your favorite group. There is usually a Fan Club Address. If not, then look for the name and address of the album's producer. They will forward mail for you.
6. The Screen Actors Guild - they can give you the address of agents for the various stars. Write to: Screen Actors Guild - 5757 Wilshire Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA. 90036-3600
7. Any Playboy Playmate - Playmate's Name - Playmate Promotions - Playboy Enterprises Inc. - 9424 Beverly Blvd. - Beverly Hills, CA 90210
8. Country Music Singers and Fan Clubs - write to: Country Music Television - 2806 Opryland Drive - Nashville, Tennessee 37214
9. Figure Skaters - U.S. Figure Skaters Ass. - E-Mail... USFSA1@aol.com (For European Skaters you can phone International Skating Union in Switzerland at 011-41-814100600)
10. Any WWF Wrestler - c/o World Wrestling Federation - 1241 E. Main Street - Stamford, CT - USA 06902
11. Fan Clubs - NAFC (National Association of Fan Clubs) - P.O. Box 7487 - Burbank, CA 91510 (Send SASE for their directory)
12. Powerful Search Engines - Try some of these programs to search the Internet. E-Mail Ferret - demo available from HERE.
13. Celebrity Addresses On Line - reasonably priced addresses to all celebrities.
14. Learn how to locate your favorite celebrity.
Celebrity Causes |
ABC Inc., New York - 77 West 6th Street - New York, NY 10023
ABC Inc., California - 500 S. Buena Vista Street - Burbank, CA 91521-4551
ABC - Ted Harbert, President ABC Entertainment - 2040 Avenue of the Stars, - Century City, California, - U.S.A., 90067 ...or... 77 West 66th Street, 9th Floor, - New York, N.Y. 10023
ABC Entertainment - Ms. Jamie Tarses, President - 2040 Avenue of the Stars - Los Angeles, CA 90067
ABC NEWS Specials - 147 Columbus Ave. - New York, NY 10023
American Movie Channel - AMC Viewer Services - 11 Penn Plaza, 15th Floor - New York, NY 10001 - Email amccustomerservice@rainbow-media.com
Arts & Entertainment - 235 East 45th Street - New York, NY 10017 - Biography
Bravo! - 299 Queen St. West - Toronto, Ontario M5W 2Z5
Cable News Network - 1 CNN Center - P.O. Box 105366 - Atlanta, GA 30348
Canwest Global - 81 Barber Greene Road, - Don Mills, Ontario, - Canada, M3C 2A2
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council - P.O. Box 3265, Station D - Ottawa, Ontario - Canada K1P 6H8 ...e-mail... info@cbsc.ca
CBC - Box 500, Station A, - Toronto, Ontario, - Canada, M5W 1E6
CBS - 7800 Beverly Blvd. - Los Angeles, California, - U.S.A., 90036 (Phone 213-852-2345)...or... 51 West 52nd Street, - New York, N.Y. 10019 - E-Mail... marketing@cbs.com
CTV - 250 Yonge Street, Suite 1800, - Toronto, Ontario, - Canada, M5B 2N8 ...or... P.O. Box 9, Station O - Scarborough, Ontario M4A 2M9
The CW Network - 3300 W. Olive Avenue - Burbank, CA 91505
Family Channel - BCE Place - 181 Bay Street - Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T3
Fox Broadcasting - (Peter Roth, President) - Box 900, - Beverly Hills, California, - U.S.A., 90213-0900 - E-Mail...foxnet@delphi.com ...or... lavaccare@delphi.com ...or... askfox@foxinc.com
Fox Broadcasting Co. - 10201 W. Pico Blvd. - Los Angeles, Calif 90035 ...or... P.O. Box 900 - Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900
Fox Television - 40 W. 57th St. - New York, NY 10019
Global - 81 Barber Greene Road - Don Mills, Ontaio M3C 2A2
Lifetime - 309 W. 49th Street - New York, NY 10019
MGM/UA - 2500 Broadway St. - Santa Monica, CA 90040 - Phone (310) 280-6000
MTV - 1515 Broadway - New York, NY 10036 - E-Mail...MTVNEWS@MTV.COM
MuchMusic - 299 Queen Street West - Toronto, Ont. M5V 2Z5
The Nashville Network - 2806 Opryland Drive - Nashville, TN 37214
NBC - Warren Littlefield, President NBC Entertainment - 3000 West Alameda Avenue, - Burbank, California, - U.S.A., 91523 - E-mail...http://www.nbc.com/mail.html
NBC New York - Viewer Relations - 30 Rockefeller Plaza - New York, NY 10112 - E-Mail ... programming@nbc.com
News America 900 - 1211 6th Ave. - New York, NY 10036 - Phone: 212-852-7700
Paramount Pictures Canada - 146 Bloor St. W. - Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M4
Paramount Pictures Corporation - 5555 Melrose Ave. - Los Angeles, California, - U.S.A., 90038
PBS - 1320 Braddock Place, - Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Radio-Canada - C.P. 6000, - Montreal, Que. H3C 3A8
Renaissance Pictures - 100 Universal Plaza - Bungelow 415A - Universal City, CA 91608
Sci-Fi Channel - (Barry Schulman, V.P. Programming) - 1230 Avenue of the Americas - New York, NY 10020 - Phone: (212) 408-9100 - Fax: (212) 408-3600 - (Steve Brunner, Business Affairs and Operations Sr. V.P.) E-Mail... orbit@usanetworks.com
Showcase - Alliance Atlantis - 121 Bloor Street East - Toronto, Ontario M4W 3M5 - E-Mail ... feedback@showcase.ca - Phone: 1-416-967-0022, extension 3010
The Sports Network - 2225 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 100 - North York, Ont. M2J 5C2
Turner Network Television - One CNN Center - PO Box 105366 - Atlanta, GA 30348
Universal Studios - 100 Universal City Plaza, - Universal City, California, - U.S.A., 91608
UPN - Mike Sullivan, President UPN Entertainment - 11800 Wilshire Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA 90025
UPN - Lucie Salhany - United Paramount Network - 5555 Melrose - Los Angeles, CA 90038
UPN Broadcasting - 5555 Melrose Avenue, MOB 12000, - Hollywood, California, - U.S.A., 90038
USA - USA Network - ATTN: Mr. Steve Brunner - 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020
Vision TV - 315 Queen Street East - Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S7
Walt Disney Studios - 500 South Buena Vista Street, - Burbank, California, - U.S.A., 91521
WB - Garth Ancier, Program Chief WB - 4000 Warner Blvd. - Burbank, CA 91505 - E-mail... WB Network@aol.com
Youth Channel - 64 Jefferson Ave., Unit 18 - Toronto, Ont. M6K 3H3
To Complain About A Show Cancellation on CBS - marketing@cbs.com - or phone - (213) 852-2345 - or Snail Mail the Presidents:
Mr. Peter Lund - President, CBS Broadcast Group - 51 West 52nd Street - New York, NY 10019
Mr. Les Moonves - President, CBS Entertainment Group - 7800 Beverly Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA 90036
Ms. P.K. Candaux - CBS Television City - 7800 Beverly Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA 90036
To Complain About A Show Cancellation On ABC - Stu Bloomberg, ABC Entertainment - 2040 Avenue of the Stars - Los Angeles, CA 90067
To Save A Cancelled Show write to TV Guide's "Help Save the show you love" - TV Guide SOS Poll - PO Box 4822 - New York, NY 10185-4822 ..... E-mail at saveourshows@delphi.com ...or... FAX your response to: 212-852-7740
To vote for you favorite shows: Call 1-900-407-5577 (.95 per minute) You can vote for any or all shows with the same phone call. If under 18, please get parental permission. Touch-tone phones only.
To Praise A Show - Letters Department - TV Guide - Radnor, PA 19088
TV Guide Canada - Mail Bag - TV Guide - 25 Sheppard Ave. West, Suite 100 - North York, Ontario M3C 2A2
gina@cnet.com ..... (Host; Gina St.John)
richard@cnet.com ..... (Host; Richard Hart)
dvorak@cnet.com ..... (Co-host; John C. Dvorak)
letters@cnet.com ..... (Questions and comments)
frank@cnet.com ..... (Frank Voci; Producer)
kevin@cnet.com .... (Kevin Wendle; Executive Producer)
dans@cnet.com ..... (Dan Sexton; Executive Consultant)
fred@cnet.com ..... Fred Sotherland; Creative Director)
thomb@cnet.com ..... (Thom Bird; Director of Production)
subscribe@cnet.com ..... (Receive official electronic ZINE; "Digital Dispatch")
www.cnet.com ..... (World Wide Web Site)
Politically Incorrect: (Political satire program on Comedy Central; hosted by Bill Maher.)
p.i.@prodigy.com ..... (Send 'em your opinion.)
Sightings: (Television show that attempts to explain the paranormal and the unexplainable.)
FOX Network: (Addresses to make comments about the network and its shows.)
Dateline NBC: (Prime-time news magazine.)
Inside Space: (Learn about space and space technology with this Sci-Fi Channel series.)
inspace@usanetworks.com ..... (Questions/Comments)
Goldhawk Fights Back: (Dale Goldhawk helps people fight big business and government to get justice.)
The Fifth Estate: (Canadian News Program)
Maury Povich Show: ..... MauryShow@aol.com or MoPoShow@aol.com
JACKIE CHAN - Jackie@jackiechan.com
CHRIS from N SYNC* - NSYNCC@aol.com
GEORGE CLOONEY - GClooney@aol.com
TOM CRUISE* - AGoodActor@aol.com
ROBERT De NIRO - RobertDeNiro@aol.com (E-mail Block)
LEONARDO DiCAPRIO* - ICaprio0@aol.com
MICHAEL DOUGLAS - Michael@michaeld ouglas.com
LANCE from N SYNC* - IMPooFu@aol.com
TOM HANKS - NY122@aol.com
MADONNA - Madonna@wbr.com
MOBY - Mobymail@aol.com
DEMI MOORE - DemiM2@aol.com
ROSIE O'DONNELL - THER0SIE@aol.com (E-mail Block)
BRAD PITT - ciaobox@msn.com
REM - rem@wbr.com
BRUCE WILLIS - BruceWi1is@aol.com
OPRAH WINFREY - Harpo@Interaccess.com
JAMES WOODS - JamesWoods@aol.com
CLIFF RICHARD - icrm@dds.nl
KEANU REEVES - Reeves23@aol.com (AIM Only)
Feedback@Backstreetboys.com (BackStreet Boys)
SMOKEYMAIL@aol.com (Boogie Burt Reynolds) BRITNEY SPEARS - Britney@britneyspe ars.com
SHANIA TWAIN, Twainshani@aol.com
JAMES WOODS, JamesWoods@aol.com
pambone11@aol.com ..... (Pamela Anderson Lee; Bay Watch)
kevreb@aol.com ..... (Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta; X-Files writers)
ANKAPA@aol.com ..... (Paul Anka; Singer)
fnemporium@aol.com ..... (Oksana Baiul; figure skater)
hof2ndbaseman@hotmail.com ..... (Craig Biggio; will give you directions for obtaining his autograph)
nightly@nbc.com ..... (Tom Brokaw; News anchor "NBC Nightly News")
tomclancy@aol.com ..... (Tom Clancy; Author of "Clear and Present Danger", " Patriot Games")
73136.3232@compuserve.com or 76711.271@COMPUSERVE.CO ..... (Roger Ebert; Movie critic" Siskel & Ebert")
penn@delphi.com ..... (Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller Magicians)
71054.2032@compuserve.com ..... (Wayne Knight; actor in Seinfeld (Newman), Jurassic Park (Dennis Nedry))
beardiethor@yahoo.com ..... (Rick London; cartoonist)
76702.3507@compuserve.com ..... (Amazing Randi; Magician and Lecturer)
jesse@datatap.com ..... (Jesse Petrilla)
ivegottahaveit@hotmail.com .....(Meg Ryan; Actress)
bsm@aloha.net ..... (Buffy St.Marie; Singer and Artist)
herukush@aol.com ..... (Wesley Snipes; actor in " DemolitionMan", "White Men Can't Jump")
stossel@abc.com ..... (John Stossel; "The Power of Belief")
Charlize33@aol.com ..... (Charlize Theron)
harpo@interaccess.com ..... (Oprah Winfrey; talk show hostess)
GuitarManiac00@aol.com ..... (Collin Atkins; Model/Actor/Teen Heart-Throb)
MaraudersMap1988@aol.com ..... (Justin Atkins; Model/Actor/Teen Heart-Throb)
Mmguitar@tampabay.rr.com ..... (Michael Mathews; Model/Actor/Teen Heart-Throb)
georgia6@hr.house.gov ..... (Newt Gingrich; Speaker of the House)
senator@kennedy.senate.gov ..... (Ted Kennedy; Senator)
If you would like to appear in the audience of your favorite show while it is being taped, contact the following addresses. You should give six months notice because the most popular shows are booked way in advance.
Watch you favorite show carefully. Usually, the television station will announce a number where you can call and arrange for free tickets.
Antiques Road Show - c/o BBC - Broadcast House, Whiteladies Road - Bristol, England B58 2LR
Audiences Unlimited - 100 Universal City Plaza - Building 153 - Universal City, CA 91608 - Phone 818-506-0067 (This company arranges the audiences for over fifty different comedy shows.)
For shows taped in New York call:
David Letterman - (Tickets to the Late Night Show) - Ed Sullivan Theater - 1697 Broadway Ave. - New York, N.Y., 10019
Rosie O'Donnell - (Tickets to the Rosie O'Donnell Show) - 30 Rockefeller Plaza - New York, N.Y., 10112
The Maury Povich Show - (Tickets) - 221 West 26th Street - New York, NY 10001 - Phone 212-989-3622
Television Ticket Co. - E-Mail - mail@freetvshows.com
Try out for the Canadian version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Phone 1-900-630-6000
Want to be a PARTICIPANT on an NBC REALITY SHOW? (Last Comic Standing, The Biggest Loser, Top Chef and many others) Check it out here!