All Contents of this Page Copyright(2014) of Randolph Kashino
Maui 2014
"Return to Maui"

A view of the south coast of Maui on the flight landing approach
March 22 to 23, 2014
Joe, Cathy and I landed on Maui on Saturday night. Trade winds rains were falling as we collected our baggage. My car was ready in the parking lot for us. First thing was to do a bit of shopping for breakfast stuff and beer. We then headed toward Puu Koa, but stopped in Paia to have dinner at Cafe Mambos. We arrived at Puu Koa and moved into the downstairs corner suite. Opened a couple of beers and relaxed and broke out the ukulele for a few songs...
Next morning there were some light mauka showers that stopped later. Joe and Cathy worked on moving the surf gear out of storage while I cooked up a bacon and eggs breakfast. We headed out about noon and down to Kanaha to meet Garth who was selling his used boom to Joe. We then headed to the Hawaiian Island Surf shop where Joe bought a couple of masts and a couple of sails. Now we were ready for some fun, so we headed over to the south shore and up to Launuipoko. When we got there the parking lot was chock full with other people who had the same idea, so we drove a little further to Puamana Beach Park and scored a beach side parking spot. Joe and I headed out on the stand up paddle boards and caught a few of the 2 footers that were coming in. I managed a couple of 3 footers. Cathy was our official photographer for our surf session. Out offshore to the north was a yacht of the super riche, complete with a helicopter. We stayed at the beach until sunset and then headed back over to the north side. On the way we stopped and picked up some Kajiki (Blue Marlin) steaks. Back at Puu Koa half of the fish was pan fried and served with local green beans and rice and a bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot. We then watched some paddle surf videos until we couldn't stay awake any longer.

Joe and Cathy, my adventure companions

Puamana Beach

Catching Waves at Puamana. Joe's paddling out while I get a nice one

Joe catches a Puamana wave

I get another nice one.
March 24, 2014
Overcast this morning but no trade wind rains. Joe set up his new used boom and sails, I practiced Hanohano Wailea on the Ukulele. Made some bacon and eggs breakfast. Tom dropped by for a visit. A little afternoon we headed up to the Pauwela cannery so Cathy could by a nice long sleeve rash guard for sun protection. At the same time a I did a visit to the Quatro shop and talked with Pascal, Francisco and Keith. We then headed to Kanaha Beach. It was looking windy so I rigged my 5.0 Goya Sail on my Quatro 95 and Joe rigged his 4.7 Ezzy on his JP 84. First reach out was kind of light, just barely planing. It stayed like that for the rest of the session. But it was good to get on the water. I struggled to stay up wind, but was able to catch a few nice waves at lowers before coming in. Back at the beach I had a beer and chatted with the Kanaha crew. Derigging was done at a slow pace while we observed the feral chickens and cats of Kanaha moving into the parking lot as it emptied at the end of the day. Back at Puu Koa I cooked up the rest of the Blue Marlin steaks and had it with a bottle of Yellow tail Shiraz. After dinner we watched an instructional Stand Up Paddling video. I crashed half way through, being pretty tired from the days activities...

Tom (centre) blasting out towards weird wave
March 25, 2014
Some heavier showers this morning which abated quickly and the wind seemed to be better with the clearer skies. For breakfast I made us a cheese and shallot Omelet with bacon and pan fried red potatoes. The morning was spent moving from our ground floor suite to our upstairs suite which has a nice view of the ocean. After moving we headed to Kanaha beach. It looked windier than yesterday so we rigged the same thing. Heading on for my first session I was verging on being overpowered and screamed out past Weird wave. Outside the wind backed off a bit and was a lot more comfortable. I did a couple of reaches and then came to the beach to adjust one of my harness lines. I then headed out again and spent most of the time at the lower Kanaha reef. Up towards Paia we could see a rainbow forming in the trade wind rains. After about an hour I came in and had a rest with a beer. It was starting to get overcast from the clouds over the west Maui mountains when I headed out again for a short session. I got a real nice logo high wave and got about 5 bottom turns in. The wind seemed to be getting lighter so a made some tacks back up wind and back to the beach. A leisurely session of derigging with a beer was the trend. We head back to Puu Koa via the Haiku supermarket and picked up some Maui teriyaka marinated beef. Joe cooked it on the barbeque and we had it with rice and kale, served with a California merlot. After dinner we watched a video about Eddie Aikau. Soon after that I fell asleep.

Traffic Jam at Hookipa

At Kanaha blasting in for a jibe

Joe reaching in from Lowers
March 26, 2014
It rained early this morning but was dry when I got up around 7:30. For breakfast I cooked up the traditional Eggs and bacon with panfried potatoes and dined out on the veranda with a tropical view. The wind forecast was looking weak and it was going to be a paddling and snorkelling day. We lounged around for the morning and got on the road after noon. We head first to WalMart so that Joe and Cathy could by a new mask and snorkel. Joe snuck a couple of bottles of wine onto the shopping list. We then drove to the south shore to Wailea and parked ourselves at Makena Landing. We unloaded the paddle boards and then went for a tour of the shoreline. We paddled from Makena Landing around the point to Five caves. A light breeze made some small wavelets that were a bit anoying. We paddled back and then doned the mask, snorkel and fins and then explored the underwater shoreline. The first notable thing was the red pencil urchins and then the numerous butterfly and damsel fishes. And then a large green sea turtle flew into view. We followed it around for a bit and then went further out toward the point. A dive down and then wait we could hear humback whales singing sowewhere out offshore. The visibility was good at about 25 to 30 feet out at the point but decreased to about 3 feet in the bay where there was a sandy beach. I chased a Moorish Idol but never got close enough the get a picture. Then a pair of Tear drop butterfly fish and then a pair of butterfly fish were the aims of my subject. A school of yellow striped goatfish were also hanging around the shallows. Amongst the coral I found a plump red cushion starfish. After snorkelling we lounged and had a beer and some lunch and ended up packing up as the sun went down. On the way back to Puu Koa we stopped at Charleys in Paii and had a cheese burger for dinner.

Joe and Cathy snorkelling at Makena Landing

The spectacular pencil urchin

The cushion starfish

A turtle entertained us for awhile

A pair of Tear drop butterfly fish were the aims of my subject
March 27, 2014
Clear skies this morning. I could see the top of Haleakala and the West Maui mountains were almost clear. For breakfast I made a cheese omelet with pan fried red potatoes and bacon served with some Starbucks Gold Coast coffee and bagels. We were on the road by 11 o'clock and drove past Paia and then to Secrets Cove. Joe and Cathy did a bit of tide pooling. There was a light trade wind blowing and a 3 to 5 foot swell was coming in from the north. We then headed into Kahului then up through Wailuku to the Iao valley. The valley is impressive with its lush green but precipitous sides that have been cut by the Iao valley streams. The Iao needle was impressive as ever. The park has a nice set of trails that leads one through the diverse vegetation of a tropical forest. We then headed out the valley and over to Kihei. We stopped to get some lunch stuff at the Farmers market and then drove to Hale Kai O'Kihei beach at the end of Lipoa road where we had a picnic. On the beach a turtle was making its way up to lay some eggs. A labourious project that will take most of the day and night. We eventually ended up at the Cove Park to do some Paddle boarding. There was an anoying onshore wind that made things challenging for Joe and I and the swell was pretty small at about 1 to 2 feet. We gave Cathy some surfing lessons and she got some pretty good wave rides. Our surfing sessions last the rest of the afternoon. We watched the sunset over the island of Lanai. For dinner we stopped at Pinatas is Kahului for some kitchen sink burritos...

Tidepooling at Secrets Cove

A view of 'Iao Needle

Turtle at Kihei coming out to nest

Sunset Paddle Surf at the Cove Park
March 28, 2014
A high dispersed overcast this morning, but the sunlight was poking through. For breakfast I panfried some Molokai sweet potatoes, with bacon and eggs. We left about noon and headed into Kahului stopped for gas and a visit to the Hawaiian Island shop which was having a 31st anniversery sale. It started raining heavily as we left and drove toward the south side of Maui. We drove up to Launiupoko beach park and went paddle surfing. It was a bit choppy from an onshore wind but a nice south swell of about 1 to 2 feet was coming in. Cathy got some more practice in on the paddle board and Joe was having fun out on the section off the breakwall. After surfing the afternoon we headed back, stopping to pick up some groceries. Back at Puu Koa we a bottle of Merlot was opened and Mahi Mahi coated with Panko was panfried, served with rice, edame beans and Kim Chi. And another bottle of Merlot...

For breakfast I panfried some Molokai sweet potatoes, with bacon and eggs

At Launiupoko Cathy got some practice in on the paddle board
March 29, 2014
High overcast sky this morning as a trough of low pressure is passing over the islands. The morning was spent musing the origin of the name for Kanaha Beach Park. What I found was the name means "the shattered or broken (thing)" and relates to a legend of a man called Kapoi who smashed the eggs of a god owl 'A'aupeo, who infuriated gathered all the owls of the islands and avenging, destroyed Kapoi and all men and chiefs in the Wailuku area. Wailuku means "water (of) distruction or slaughter". As the morning passed a the sky exposed a pleasant hazy sun. Joe worked on his board over by the barbeque gazebo while I made a late breakfast of bacon, eggs, pan fried red potatoes and tomato with basil. We got on the road around 1 pm and first went to Kanaha Beach Park. It was kind of windy so we decided to go into Kahului to do some shopping at Starbucks, (Cathy got us some Kona Coffee), Lowes Hardware, a cruise through Walmart, then Home Depot then a stop at Kmart. We got back to Kanaha beach at 4 o'clock. There was still a bit of wind chop on the water as we paddled out. The swell sets were a fair size at about 2 to 3 metres. We surfed until 5:30 and packed up as it got dark. For dinner we headed up to Haiku and went to Hana Hou's. Cathy had Laulau Squid with poi, Joe had the Kailua Pork, and I had Chicken Katsu with rice and poi.

Kanaha Lowers Beach
March 30, 2014
Nearly clear sky this morning and a hint of the return of the trade winds. Early I started making my version of HP sauce. Then breakfast of bacon, and pan fried potatoes with a Cheese, Shallot and Kale omelette served with some slice avocado from the tree outside. Also, a cup of Kona coffee and orange juice. Joe was working on his fin, and the soles of his well worn Crocs. We got on the road after lunch and drove to Kanaha Beach Park. It was looking gusty and there was some overcast extending out from the West Maui mountains. So I was hesistant to rig at first. We finally decided to rig. I did my Sailworks 5.5 and Joe his 5.0 Ezzy. When we hit the water and sailed out the sky had cleared and the wind steadied. We did reaches far out to the outer reef where there were 15 to 20 foot swell billowing. After an hour we came in for a beer break before heading out for a session at lowers. I got 2 good wave rides, but the 3rd was a washout. Joe did a little session in the washing machine. I came in when the wind was weakening. I ended up down at the lowers beach where I found Ben and Julia lounging on the beach. I socialized with them for a bit before carrying my gear back up to the car. In the meantime, Joe managed to sail back into the uppers beach. On the way back to Puu Koa we stopped in Paia to do a bit of shopping at Mana foods. At home I finished up my HP sauce and then Joe barbequed some pork ribs. We had that with some rice, and pan fried asparagus that Cathy cooked up and served it with a Malbec wine. After dinner we went downstairs to Tom and Alains' who were having at bit of a party.

Breakfast at Pu'u Koa

Joe heads out through the break at Lowers Kanaha

RK heading out at Lowers Kanaha
March 31, 2014
Mauka showers and light trade winds were blowing this early morning when I first woke. I went back to sleep and woke later and the rain had stopped but sky had remained overcast. For breakfast I made an omlette with green onion and Shitake mushrooms, served with bacon, pan fried potatoes, slices of banana and avocado, coffee and apple juice. Which we had out on the veranda. For activities we decided to go Stand up paddling on the south shore because it was looking rainy and gusty on the north side. First we headed up to Pauwela Cannery so that Joe could have his board looked at by Gramps. After consultation it was decided that it would cost more to fix the heel dent in his board than what it was worth ($100). We then drove over to Launiupoko beach park. First we had lunch and then we got the boards out and went for a session. Cathy and Joe launched at the east end of the beach, I went out through the tide pool gap and over the west break. There was a little bit of small wind wave with sets of 1 to 2 foot swell coming in. The tide was already high and rising. I got a nice session of rides, some of which took me to near the rock wall. It looked like Joe and Cathy were having fun over at the middle break. I finished my session by getting a wave near the middle and surfing back into the tide pool gap. After this I relaxed and had a beer and late lunch. We watched the sun setting and the light glowing on the clouds coming through the west Maui mountains over Launiupoko (Kauaula). We decided to go into Lahina so that Cathy could see the 140 year old Banyan Tree in the historic Lahina area (Lele). We walked down Front Street and did a bit of shopping and then decided we were hungry. We went to the Thai Chef Restaurant for dinner for some Pad Thai. On the drive back to Puu Koa we stopped for some groceries supplies and when we got back Joe made us a fried banana with ice cream dessert which was followed by a rum.

Joe surfing the breakwall at Launiupoko

Near sunset the mountain clouds behind Launiupoko lit up

While the sunset lit up the clouds over Lanai

The Banyan tree in Lele (old Lahaina) was lit up
April 1, 2014
Heavy Showers and very gusty wind this morning. For breakfast I made a some pan fried Molokai and Okinawa Potatoes served with bacon and eggs. After breakfast we did a bit of wood working, making a little platform to go over the masts in the car so we could use that area for storage. We decided to load up the wind surf boards and then drove into Kahului, first to the Kanaha Kai windsurf shop so that Joe could have his sail repaired. Then we went to Kanaha Beach Park to check things out. It was spitting a bit of rain and the wind was very gusty. It looked like it was ranging from 5 knots to 25 knots and we were not enthused about sailing in this. We decided to go for a drive around the north west coast of Maui. First time for Cathy. We drove from Wailuku first stopping to take a look at Waiehu beach and then to get some gas before proceeding out toward Waihe'e then along the winding and narrow road to Kahakuoa Bay then more winding road to Honokohau Bay. The precipitous coastline combined with the severe wind blowing over the ocean made the views spectacular. Just before the end of this north coast drive is yet another spectacular beach called Punalau or Keonehelele'i or WindMills. It is just to the west of Punalau point. Out in front are 2 rocks standing guard to the beach. Joe and Cathy did some shell foraging on the beach. We then drove to the Honoloa Bay look out. There were no big waves and no surfers out. We then drove to Kapalua Bay and walked out to the south point for a view of Napili Bay. Next was a short stop at Kaopala bay then down to Kahana for lunch at S-turns(Pohaku Park). We then stopped at Borders Book store in Lahaina to do a bit of shopping. We then drove straight back to Puu Koa and Joe barbequed some steaks which we served with rice and string beans served with an Australian Shiraz wine...

Kahakuloa Bay on the north west coast of Maui

It was a gusty windy day

Foraging for shells at Windmills Beach

The sentry of Keonehelele'i

Honoloa was quiet so no surfers were out

A view of Napili Bay from the point at Kapalua

Quiet Kaopala Bay
April 2, 2014
Light mauka showers this morning and blue sky poking out through light cumlus clouds. I could see part of the top of Haleakala. For breakfast I cooked up a morning fried rice mixed with green onion, bacon bits, basil and cilantro and topped it with a couple of fried eggs. After breakfast we checked the internet because an Tsunami warning was issued last night and there was the possibility the beaches would be closed today. The Kahului tide guage showed a series of 2.5 to 3 foot waves with an 18 minute period starting a 4 o'clock this morning. An advisory had been issued but was cancelled this morning. So we were free to go. We drove to Kanaha and the wind was blowing 20 to 25 knots and it was nice and warm and sunny. I rigged my 5.0 and and Joe rigged his 4.7. We had a great first session. There was almost no swell so we could sail over the Weird wave area, although taking caution to be observant of the current conditions. After and hour we came in on a big gust and had lunch and a beer and rigged down. Both of us rigged a 4.2. Joe an Ezzy and myself an Goya. Then headed out for another session. For me the 4.2 was pretty good and Joe was powered up in the winds that had increased to the 25 to 30 knot range. Cathy was our official photographer and got some great pictures of us sailing. After sailing we did a stop at Kanaha Kai so that Joe could pick up his repaired sail and then we went to WalMart so that Cathy could get a pair of new sunglasses. We then went to the Haiku mart to do some grocery shopping and back at Puu Koa we did a chicken stir fry with rice and a bottle of Kona Koko Brown beer.

Small Tsunami waves recorded by Kahului Bay Tide Guage

Riding the Tsunami, RK makes a Jibe with Joe following in quick succession

RK on a fast reach in

Joe landing a jump on a fast reach out

Watch out for the air traffic!

Joe on a fast reach in
April 3, 2014
Sunny and trade winds were blowing this morning. For breakfast we went up to the Pauwela Cannery. I had a smoke salmon omelet, Cathy had a cheese omelet and Joe had the Aegean Omelete (Kalamata, feta, spinach). We drove back to Puu Koa via the scenic Haiku road and on the way to the beach we went up Baldwin Road to Makawao then back down Haleakala Highway to get a view of the coastline from up high. At Kanaha the wind was nukin' 25 to 35 knots. I rigged a 4.2 Goya and put a smaller fin on my board. Joe also rigged the 4.2 Ezzy. As we blasted off the beach the weird wave was jacking up with a big breaking swell. The chop on the water made for very difficult sailing conditions. I had one unplanned jump and land awkwardly and twisted my ankle a bit. I lasted another couple of tacks and came in. Joe followed soon after. We decided to derig and headed over to Launiupoko park to do some Stand up Surfing. The sea was calm and there were some nice 2 to 3 foot swell coming in. It made for perfect surfing. I caught a couple of nice ones on the north end and then switch to the middle as it got crowded with other surfers. In the middle I got some nice 3 footers on the outside and rode them to the south beach. Back at the beach I got out the chairs and beer. Cathy soon joined and said she had gotten a nice big wave. Joe stayed out for longer as we watched the sun setting over Lanai. After the sun set we packed up and then headed to Paia where I had my birthday dinner at Cafe Mambos. Later at Puu Koa we watched the video, "That Perfect Glide" and then strummed the Ukulele over a couple of rums...

RK making a reach out through Kanaha Uppers reef

Joe making the same reach out through Kanaha Uppers reef
April 4, 2014
Sunny again this morning and trades were still blowing. For breakfast I made bacon and eggs with pan fried red potatoes served with blueberry bagels. After breakfast Joe made some repairs to Cathys' sandals. On the way to the beach we made a stop at Timura's to buy some beer supplies. At Kanaha everyone was saying how gusty and holey it was. The wind was very east which meant the wind was blowing over land at Kanaha. I finally rigged a 4.6 Sailworks and Joe the 4.2 Ezzy. To get sailing we had to slog out to the wind line. When I got into the wind I got planing and headed out just above weird wave. Once I got out I sailed out to the outer reef and jibed. Joe was on his way out. I tacked to the outside reef area and decided to jibe in order to stay in the wind. The wind was actually nice and stable, not like what people were describing. I felt just slightly underpowered but was able to keep planing. On the outside there were times when there were house side wind swell billowing in. On one it jacked up and I got a nice jump. On the inside reef I managed a bottom turn. After a couple more tacks we came in for a break. A beer and lunch then back out again for a short session since I was getting a little more underpowered. After sailing we did a bit of shopping and back at Puu Koa, Joe barbequed up some hawaiian lobster tails, which was served with a Chardonnay. An apres dinner surfing video was partially watched because we were too tired to finish it...

Sailing Kanaha Uppers
April 5, 2014
Clear skies, but no trade winds this morning. For breakfast I made a cheese, green onion and cilantro Omelette, served with bacon and pan fried Molokai sweet and Red potatoes. After breakfast we picked a couple of avocados off the tree over by the barbeque. When we headed off we made a detour and drove down to look at Peahi (Jaws). There was a good swell coming in and as it hit the reef they peaked up at about 15 to 20 feet before breaking. After hanging there for about a half hour we headed back down the coast. We could see that the outer reef was breaking, so we decided to head over to the south shore and set up for surfing at Ukumehame. Johnny Sewel and most of da crew were there. When we headed out there was a bit of wind onshore. It made for challenging stand up surfing. We toughed it out for 2 sessions and then relaxed and watched a beautiful sunset. When we got back to Puu Koa we made a pasta dinner and then watched the rest of the surfing video we started the other night.

Peahi! (aka Jaws)

Watching Peahi

Anticipation at Ukumehame

A rare Monk Seal was swimming along the shore

Another beautiful sunset at Ukumehame
April 6, 2014
Clear skies, and again no trade winds this morning. For breakfast we went to Paia and had breakfast at Charleys with Tom and Alain. I had a substantial Eggs Benedict. We then headed to check out Secrets but the wind was also creating some chop and the swell was not making a good break. We drove over to the south shore and as we drove up the coast there was onshore wind, so we continued. At Launiupoko the parking lot was chock full of cars so we continued up to Kapalua and did a hike down to the Dragons Teeth at Makaluapuna Point. After this we stopped briefly at Ka Opala then drove to the Lahaina Cannery Mall and I got a Ice Cafe Mocha at Starbucks. We then drove back down to Launiupoko and it was still crowded. We drove further and stopped at Oluwalu for a walk. Then it was down to Ukumehame where got the boards out and paddled out. I went for the far left break because it seemed to have a more defined and bigger surf. It had some nice 4 foot faces and I could get some nice long rides. Joe and Cathy started over on the right break and then eventually joined me. I caught a nice wave that Cathy also caught. We surfed until dark and talked with Johnny has we packed up. Back at Puu Koa, Cathy made us a nice chicken stir fry served with rice, salad and a Merlot wine...

Dragons Teeth at Makaluapuna Point

Pele's work has a myriad of forms

The Labyrinth of Makaluapuna

Many steps later I arrived at the centre

Apres surf beer at Ukumehame
April 7, 2014
Overcast and a lot of rain this morning as the trade winds returned. For breakfast I made the traditional eggs, bacon and pan fried red potatoes. The rain got heavier and the wind blustier as the morning progressed. The weather data was showing gusty winds and lots of rain over most of the island so we decided to head to the Maui Aquarium over in Ma'a'alea Bay. Cathy treated Joe and I to the entrance. We spent all of the afternoon, going from exhibit to exhibit. A lot of fish we had seen on our snorkeling adventures, but the exhibits gave more information. The tanks with various species of corals which had their flower like polyps out were nice. The big tanks with various species of sharks were especially interesting. There was a special pool with the odd looking Hammerhead shark. Another tank held the Blacktip reef shark. The last tank was the big one with Eagle and Giant Sting rays and Galapogas and Tiger Sharks. When we finished it was nearly 5 o'clock and Ma'a'alae weather was very blustery and cold. We drove toward Wailea, past Makena and then through the old lava flow to La Perouse Bay. There the wind died down and we enjoyed a late lunch with a spectacular view. Cathy was facinated with the lava rock and I took some pictures of the waves breaking on the Kinau Peninsula and in the bay. On the way back from La Perouse we stopped in Kihei and picked up some Ahi tuna steaks. Back at Puu Koa I pan fried the Ahi which was spread with a soya sauce mixed with wasbi and then coated in Panko batter. Served with rice and Kim Chee and a Portuguese white wine. After dinner there was a breif session of channel surfing on the TV before crashing for the night...

Getting upclose to a Black Tip Reef Shark at the Maui Aquarium

And a Tiger Shark

And many other fish
April 8, 2014
Overcast again this morning but not much rain. The trade winds seemed a lot steadier as well. I made a cheese, shallot onion, kale omelet which was served with red potatoes and bacon and french roast coffee and orange juice. After checking the weather we headed to Kanaha Beach Park. The wind wasn't looking strong so I rigged the 5.5 Sailworks and Joe his 5.0 Ezzy. My first sail out was marginal planing and I had a hard time getting going after I jibed on the way in. I basically ended up at lowers and caught a wave and rode it backside to get up wind. On the inside I was suprised to be making my tacks on with such a big sail. Getting back out meant go through the wave zone, but it wasn't that bad as waves seemed only to be averaging about 2 to 3 feet. There were a couple of 5 footers that I had to squeek over. Often I wasn't able to plane through the surf zone which meant some challenging slogging. I came in after about an hour and had a beer and relaxed in the warmth of the sun. Yesterday had been cold and I still had a leftover chill. Joe came in just as I went out for another session. The wind hadn't picked up much, so I ended up riding waves which were mostly about 4 feet. I caught a nice final wave and sailed into lowers beach where I saw a monk seal foraging along the shoreline. After sailing we headed back to Puu Koa and caught a nice sunset over to the west Maui mountains. For dinner we made a Fetucini pasta with Alfredo sauce and served it with an Australian Shiraz...

Sailing Kanaha Lowers

Sunset over the West Maui Mountains from Pu'u Koa
April 9, 2014
Very light trades this morning. I made standard bacon and eggs with red potato for breakfast. On the road we went first to Wailuku where I went into the Maui Sports Diving and Fishing shop to be some dyneema line to repair my leash and then we went down to the Music shop on the corner to check out their array of new and used CD collection. We then went down to Kanaha but the wind was lighter than yesterday. So we then drove to the south shore and up to Launiupoko. There was an onshore breeze and small surf so we decided to head back down to Ukumehame. The wind was blowing a bit less so we decided to tough it out and do some surfing. It was a good core workout standing on the board in the chop. Back at Puu Koa, Joe did another great job of barbequing some steak which we served with rice and asparagus and a Shiraz wine. I crashed early, but Joe and Cathy went downstairs to visit with Tom and Alain.

West Maui Mountains behind Ukumehame

Sunset Clouds on the West Maui Mountains
April 10, 2014
Clear skies and very light wind this morning. For breakfast I made some pan fried Okinawa pototoes with red potatoes served with eggs, bacon and bagels. On the road we decided to head to the Cove Park in Kihei to get some easy surfing in for Cathy. However, when we got in the water an annoying wind came up which made standup uncomfortable. Surf was also pretty small, in the 1 foot range. We quit the Cove and the drove up to Ukumehame where things were perfect. There was almost no wind, and the swell was in the 1 to 2 foot range. There was only a few surfers around. While out paddling there was a small turtle right at the break swimming under us. We surfed the right break and the longboarders break. I got a nice 3 footer to end the day. We finished at sunset. On the way back to Puu Koa we stopped in Paia to have dinner at the new Rock and Brew Restaurant. I had Mahi Mahi Fish and Chips with a Big Swell IPA. Cathy had the Pulled Pork Burger and Joe had the Fireball burger with a Malbec wine. Aloha to Tom and Alain are on their flight home tonight.

Cathy catching a wave at the Cove

Sunset session at Ukumehame

and a contemplation

Sunset at Ukumehame

and a waxing moon
April 11, 2014
Light overcast this morning and almost no trade winds. After breakfast we went to Kahului airport where Joe rented a car. He and Cathy went to Haleakala while I went to get my car inspected and the re-registered. I went for a short visit to Waiehu beach to check things out. After Joe and Cathy returned from their Haleakala adventure, I made panko Mahi Mahi with rice for dinner. for dinner.

Pohuehue, Sea-side Morning Glory at Waiehu beach

Cathys' photo of Haleakala

Joe and Cathy at Haleakala
April 12, 2014
Raining this morning and a sign of the return of the Trades. It is Joes' 60th Birthday. Hau'oli la hanau! For breakfast Joe and Cathy went over to the Haiku Community Center grounds to take in the fair event. I made an breakfast of bacon and eggs with rice then went over in time to catch the Ukulele Band playing. Joe then went to return his car rental. Cathy and I followed later. We then went to the Queen Ka'ahumanu Shopping center for a coffee then headed to the south shore just as it started to rain heavily in Kahului. We broke out of the rain at Maalaea then drove up through the tunnel. There was some offshore gusts at Ukumehame so we drove up to Launiupoko. The parking lot was full and waves looked smallish so we drove back to Ukumehame and confirmed the wind situation was not what we liked. We then drove up to Lahaina and took Front Street to see if anything was surfable there. As we approached the north end the trade wind was wrapping around the West Maui mountains through Pailolo channel. We turned around then stopped at Puamana for a beachside lunch. We ended up at Launiupoko just as some people were leaving and scored a parking spot. The wind was light and there was some occasional 2 footers coming in. We all had a pretty good time paddle surfing for the rest of the afternoon. For dinner we headed to Paia and arrived in a torrential downpour of rain and fortunately got a parking spot close to Cafe Mambo's. We celebrated Joes birthday with a good dinner...

Ukulele Band at Haiku Fair

Cathy getting surfing lessons from Joe at Launiupoko Park

Cathy surfing the breakwall at Launiupoko Park

Birthday dinner at Cafe Mambos in Paia
April 13, 2014
Heavy Mauka showers this morning when I woke up. I did some catching up on the blog photos then made breakfast. The rain went quiet just as we served breakfast on the veranda. Bacon and eggs with fried rice and onions served with orange juice and Starbucks French roast coffee. Then it was off to a beach. First stop was Baldwin Beach Park to get a close look at the wind and wave conditions. There was still a lot of cloud around so we went to Tamura's in Kahului to replenish the the beer, wine and rum supply. Next was to Starbucks to get our weekly ration of coffee, courtesy of Cathy. Then we head down to Kanaha Beach Park. The wind was pretty squirrely with winds gusting to 4.5 conditions then dying to nothing the next minute. We decided to head to Kihei to check things out there. First stop was at Ulua Beach in Wailea where we had lunch. Then it was up to the Cove Park to see if there was anything to paddle surf on. The wind was up and down offshore so we headed back down to Makena where I drove down to Oneuli black sand beach at the base of Pu'u Ola'i. We hung around there for quit awhile, walking the beach, taking in the surf break and the view over toward Molokini. Back at Puu Koa, Joe barbequed up some Teriaki beef while Cathy made a nice stir fry of vegetables, which was then served with rice and wine. A full moon was in the sky and the trade winds were still blowing hard when we went to bed...

A visit to Baldwin Beach

Lunch at Ulua Beach in Wailea

then a visit to Oneuli black sand beach at the base of Pu'u Ola'i

and a walk along the beach
April 14, 2014
No rain this morning but there are some Mauka clouds to the west and a light trade wind is blowing. It was nice and sunny and windy by the time I made a bacon and eggs breakfast. Out just off our veranda we were curious about the shrub growing up through the hedge that had leaves that smelled like cloves. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing so it was a Windsurfing day. We headed down to Kanaha Beach Park. The wind was looking steady but not real strong. I rigged my 5.5 Sailworks and Joe his 5.0 Ezzy and we headed out sailing. For the first session we headed out through the channel just above lowers and made some nice reaches offshore. On another reach I tried to get to uppers but ended up in the midst of weird wave. Fortunately there was wind and the wave wasn't breaking hard. It more like a violent sloshing. I did a couple more tacks then came in for a break after an hour. The second session was down at lowers where we caught a few smaller waves that had about 4 to 5 foot faces. It was getting light in the surf zone when I came in and then relaxed with a beer. For dinner we headed to Cafe Mambos for a Happy Hour dinner. Back at Pu'u Koa we watched the Lunar Eclipse as it faded and waxed through the trade wind clouds. Mars was also at its closest distance to Earth tonight and was brighter than the moon darkened by the eclipse.

Los tres amigos, Dave, Randy and Joe sailing out toward Weird Wave at Upper Kanaha

A shaka from RK

Joe jibes hard on the inside

Blood Orange Moon during Lunar Eclipse

Mars from Earth
April 15, 2014
Light Mauka showers this morning and mostly over cast out to the west. I worked on getting the blog pictures updated. I then made our usual breakfast of bacon and eggs with pan fried red potato. We decided it was going to be a windsurfing day and headed to Kanaha. When we got there the wind was looking OK. There was a lot of cloud around which seemed to be affecting the wind and it looked like periods of steady gusts followed by periods of very light wind. We decided to rig anyway. I rigged my 5.5 and Joe his 5.0. Joe headed out first and I watched him get up on a plane and he seemed to fine, so I headed out. I got a good gust and went out through the channel. However, the wind died down on the outside so I jibed and slogged to lowers and caught a small wave which got me planing back to the beach. I tried another reach out again planing on the inside of the reef but came off the plane outside. I did this a few times and then dragged my gear back to the car and rigged a beer instead. Joe came in a half hour or so later. We had lunch, considered sailing again as the wind seemed to be coming back, but then a cloud came over and it started to rain, so we derigged. It was early so we headed to Hookipa to watch the sailors there doing their stuff. Cathy was impressed. We were impressed also, because the waves were not very consistent. Short period wind swell was making it difficult for those out to catch a decent wave. And light wind, not enough to do any jumping, only slogging out through the wave zone and back to catch waves. Watching from the high on the point, met fellow canuck, Glenn (see Maui 2006, ehteaminc), and talked with him for awhile. We hung around until it started raining. We drove up to the Haiku Mart and picked out some steaks to barbeque. Back at Puu Koa the steaks were done with HP sauce and served with rice and brocolli and a Merlot wine. We watched the ASP Womens Surfing Competition on TV and Cathy served up some Papaya with ice cream. After that I my eyes got heavy and I crashed for the night...

Watching as Joe sails out

I was able to plane to just outside the Lowers reef

Later we watched the pros doing there stuff at Hookipa
April 16, 2014
Mauka showers this morning, but not as strong as yesterday. Made the breakfast with a bit more rosemary on the bacon and potatoes served with eggs and bagels and coffee and apple juice. Later in the morning the rain stopped so we headed to Kanaha Beach Park. When we got there it was look like light wind similar to yesterday. I had to do some batton repairs to my 5.5 sail so it took me awhile to rig. Meanwhile Joe was sailing out in a rain squall for awhile. By the time I was ready the sky cleared and when I jumped on the board is was fast sailing right away. I sailed some long reaches outside and back. The wind seemed to keep increasing, which means I could make some long tacks upwind and come in on the Upper Kanaha reef. Fun sailing! I had to come in when I broke a buckle on my harness. It was an excuse to have a break while I made repairs. Then it was out sailing again in strong wind. I should have rigged the 5.0, but was having too much fun sailing powered up. Made some big jumps on the way out and caught the occasional wave at uppers. Finally came in at 4:30 and then had a beer and late lunch. We hung around the parking lot, dried the gear and finally derigged. We decided to stop in Paia and have dinner at Milagros. I had the Blackened Ahi Burrito with a Big Swell IPA, Cathy had Mahi Mahi Tacos and Joe had Chicken Enchiladas with a bottle of Modelo Negro...

Sailing offshore

Going for a jump on Kanaha Uppers Reef

Fast reach to the inside

Joes clears his fin on the way out
April 17, 2014
Lots clouds over most of our area all the way to Wailuku, but not much rain this morning. Aloha Thursday for Joe and Cathy. Breadfast was a onion and parmesan cheese omelete served with bacon and pan fried red potato with onion, served with coffee. We had it out on the veranda. Joe did some packing up then we headed down the road to Paia where Cathy and Joe did some last minute shopping. Next a short stop at Walmart, and then we headed to Launiupoko Beach Park. On the way the winds were blowing fairly gust at Ma'alea and at offshore at Ukumehame. Winds at Launiupoko were light onshore and waves seemed small, maybe 1 foot. We had lunch first, then got the boards off the car and went for a stand up session. I went out to the middle break and waited quite awhile before a 2 foot swell peaked up enough to surf. I managed to get one nice 3 foot swell which had enough power in it to get me over to the second beach. Joe and especially Cathy were having fun catching waves. This was a perfect last day for Cathy surfing. No wind chop and no big surf. I came in for a break and relaxed for a bit, then headed out through the gap in the breakwall and surfed the right break for awhile. I bumped into something while paddling and then saw that it was a Monk Seal lounging around in the area. We have been treated to a number of sightings on this trip. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is considered rare and endangered. To end my session I got a nice wave that took me back to the gap in the breakwall pool. Joe and Cathy came in and we relaxed, then packed up the boards and headed back to Pu'u Koa. They finished their packing and I drove them to the airport. Aloha to Joe and Cathy...

Aloha breakfast at Pu'u Koa

Launiupoko surfing and relaxing

Aloha sunset sky from Pu'u Koa
April 18, 2014
Mostly Blue sky over towards west Maui and Trade wind clouds towards Hana. No rain this morning and the trade winds seemed low. Sun was poking through my window which woke me up. I made a pot of Kona coffee and checked the weathers on the internet. I made a breakfast of eggs with Spam and pan fried red potatoes. After breakfast I headed up to Pauwela to the Quatro shop and Francisco helped get a replacement batton for my sail. I then headed into Kahului to visit with Chris. I got a nice new Black Project SUP paddle to test out. But today was windy, so I headed to Kanaha Beach Park. I rigged my 5.0 Goya Eclipse for wind. I was totally powered up sailing. There wasn't much in the way of waves but it was nice to be powered. I sailed for an hour before coming in for a break. My second session was also powered but the wind had abated to real 5.0. After sailing I headed back to PuuKoa and then played the Ukulele for a bit watching the sunset. Then I put a steak on the barbeque and then it served with rice, edame beans, Kim Chee and a bottle of Sierra Nevada beer. I watched some surfing shows on the local TV station then crashed for the night...

Spam and eggs with red potatoes

Heading out for a sail

A few of sailing up towards Camp One from Kanaha
RK's Theme from Randy Kashino on Vimeo.
Playing the ukulele while watching the sunset

Another Sunset view from Pu'u Koa
April 19, 2014
Brilliant sunrise when I woke up early this morning. Trade winds were blowing and there were some Mauka clouds overhead. Pu'u Koa became totally overcast and raining by 8:30 when I made breakfast. Spam and eggs with potatoes and half a tasty maui tomato. It was still overcast when I finished breakfast. I decided to drive up towards Launiupoko. It was raining driving through Kahului and at Ukumehame the wind was blowing hard offshore. When I got to Launiupoko the parking lot was full with Easter weekend festivities, so I decide to drive up to Kahana and to Ka Opala beach. This was quiet, but no real waves. I decided to go paddling anyway and test out the Black Project SUP paddle. First impression is that it was weightless compared to the wood paddle that I usually use. This made it easy for side to side transitions when paddling. My wood paddle has a wider blade so the power on each stroke wasn't as strong. The weight of the paddle, however, allows for a higher cadence with ease. I rigged the GoPro camera on the board and got some shots of using the paddle both above and underwater. After this session, I had some lunch and then headed back over to the north side. I got to Kanaha at 2:30 and then wind looked similar to yesterday, so I rigged the 5.0 Goya on my Quatro 95 and headed out for a session. The wind was strong and perfect for my sailing. There were no waves except for wind swell which was excellent for do jumps. I sailed for about an hour before coming in for a break. For my next session I rigged the GoPro on the mast and went for a quick session sailing down towards lowers and back. I finished and had a beer and relaxed to let the gear dry out. Back at Pu'u Koa there was another great sunset. I panfried a fillet of Mahi Mahi and served it with Rice, cucumber and Kim Chee and some Merlot wine. After dinner I watched some the ASP Bells Beach Surfing contest and then some of the X-men movie. I crashed, tired from the days activities.

Taking the Black Project Paddle for a test run

Perfect 5.0 Sailing at Kanaha

Yet another great Sunset view from Pu'u Koa
April 20, 2014 Aloha Sunday
Trade wind showers when I woke up this morning. Last day in Maui for this trip. I made an Hawaiian style breakfast of fried Spam with onion fried rice with eggs and coffee. I sorted through my pictures and updated the blog. I then spent an hour sorting out the storage area for my gear. Time for one last sail, so I drove to Kanaha. It was looking a bit lighter than yesterday, but it still looked like 5.0. The sky was full of clouds with just a little bit of sun poking through and it was not raining when I launched. I got a good gust and headed out for a long reach to the outside. The wind was gusty with some light spots and it was a little bit of an effort to keep planing. It was enough to keep me sailing for an hour or so. I came in about 4 o'clock then derigged, packed up and headed back to Pu'u Koa to do the packing up. It was a bit of a rush to get everything packed and stored. With everything packed I headed to the airport at about 7 o'clock. There was a dark red patch in the sky as a remnant of the sunset when I passed Paia. My flight left a little before 9 o'clock. Another excellent Maui adventure was done.

Another excellent Maui adventure
E kamau iho i ka hoe!
Ku Hoe Pa'a!

Aloha 'Oe

E kamau iho i ka hoe! : Keep on Paddling
Mele Kalikimaka: Merry Christmas
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou: Happy New Year
Ku Holoholo Pa'a: Keep Sailing Hard
Ku Hoe Pa'a: Stand, Paddle Hard
Ku Hoe He'e Nalu: Stand Up Paddle Surfing
Hau'oli la hanau: Happy birthday
Anuenue hulali o kakahiaka: Brilliant Rainbow of the morning