All Contents of this Page Copyright(2017) of Randolph Kashino
Maui 2017
"A Long Maui Adventure"

Back home in Victoria, B.C., Canada it had been a particularly cold and wet winter.
March 27 to 31, 2017
Back home in Victoria, B.C., Canada it had been a particularly cold and wet winter, so by the time March came around I was ready for a tropical escape. it was a nice change to arrive to tropical temperatures at Kahului, Maui. Joe was on a later flight. First thing was to get groceries and beer before driving to our accomodations at Puukoo in Haiku.
I slept until late the next morning, then we unpacked things from storage, assembled windsurf and standup equipment and loaded them on and in the car. We headed out, and first thing was for Joe to pick up a new standup Paddle that he had ordered from Kanaha Kai shop. We then headed for the food court in the Dairy road mall. I got a regular size Karage chicken plat, which was so huge that I only could eat about a third. Saved the rest for later. We then headed to Ukumehame Beach Park aka "Thousand Peaks" to do some surfing. A wind waves made it a bit bumpy and challenging, but it was nice to swim in 25 degree Centigrade ocean water. After surfing we headed back to Puukoa. I had my 2nd helping of the Karage chicken plate for dinner. A bit of TV, and I was asleep by 10.
The next day was a shopping day. After breakfast we headed to the Hitech Surf Shop in Kahului where Joe bought some new booties. Next was to pick up Cathy at the airport. Joe had a new Costco card, so we then went and fueled up the car and then went power grocery shopping. For dinner I panfried some fresh Mahi Mahi and served it with Rice.
Breakfast the next morning was bacon and eggs with pan fried potatoes and tomatoe with a Croissant served with Coffee and Orange Juice. Then it was off for a standup surfing day at Launiupoko Beach park up near Lahaina. After surfing late, we headed to Lahaina to listen to a concert performance outside the Baldwin Museum. It was quite late when we left Lahaina, so we stopped at Pinata's Mexican food restaurant in Kahului. I had the Kitchen Sink Burrito.
Last day of the month was punctuated by a leaking cooling system hose in my car. i'd been wondering why the car had been intermittently overheating, and this discovery solved the mystery. We headed to the GM dealer to get the hose, and then to O'Reilly's to get hose clamps. We went to Kanaha beach park to do repairs, which went fairly quickly. Next thing was to check out the windsurfing situation. Not much wind. I did end up buying a used 6.2 sailworks from one of the guys at the beach. We then headed to Ukumehame. It was a bit windy with a west wind of 10 knots. We did one session. Joe managed to get a jacked up overhead freak wave. For dinner, we stopped at Costco and picked up a pre-cooked chicken. Had that with some rice and brocoli, served with wine.

Sunset Clouds to the west of Pu'u Koa

The car loaded and at Ukumehame Beach Park

A regular Hawaiian Karage Chicken Plate Lunch !

I'm ready for a Stand up Surf session at Launiupoko Beach Park

There is an Hawaiian saying: Mai Huli`oe I Kokua o Ke Kai !
Never turn your back on the ocean!
April 1, 2017
It was looking like it might be a windy day when I got up. I made us our bacon and eggs breakfast. Cathy put together a lunch for us and we headed to Kanaha Beach Park. It was looking windy when we drove past Hookipa. At Kanaha, I decided to rig a 5.0. While rigging I noted that one of the bolts holding my boom together had rust through. I tightened the others down. Just has I was about to launch, a helicopter hovered over the beach and lowered a couple of people on a line down. This was the Maui Rescue helicopter, and a Canoe had overturned in the surf offshore and the crew was being rescued. After I launched, I sailed fairly conservatively, concerned about the broken boom bolt, but I got a few nice runs in. Sailed by a couple of turtles hanging out in the channel just below Weird wave. Afer not sailing for a few months it took a bit to get back in the groove. Back onshore, I socialized with the other sailors. On the way home, we bought a fresh Aku tuna and had it for dinner with rice and asparagus. Served with a Lindemans Cawarra wine.

Intense Cresent Moonset to the west of Puukoa

Puukoa Bacon and Eggs with Potatoes and Tomato Breakfast

Catching a nice Launiupoko wave

Joe gets an even nicer one !

Kanaha Windsurfing !
April 2, 2017
It was looking like another windy day, so I stoked us with another bacon and eggs breakfast, but whoops forgot to serve the bacon, so Cathy put it in the lunch. It was a very nice sailing session at Kanaha on my Goya Eclipse 5.0. I got my speed up to 38.7 kph according to my GPS watch = 24 mph.
Offshore sailing, the waves were small, mostly wind waves and chop. While sailing I saw a Manta Ray below me, on one reach out at uppers. After sailing we went for a bit of shopping at Walmart.
For dinner we put together some Chicken,brocoli, pepper, onion, garlic and made a Fried rice plate.

Joe and Randy trying to break a speed record at Kanaha
April 3, 2017
This morning mady bacon and eggs and remembered to serve he bacon. We drove to Kanaha, but it didn't look windy enough to sail, so we decided to drive to Launiupoko Beach Park. Waves were small waves, but useable and we had a pretty relaxing time. It was my birthday, so we headed to Cafe Mambo's in Paia for dinner. Back at Puukoa, Cathy had baked up a brownie birthday cake, which had for desert. I got my Ukulele out and Joe his guitar and we did a little jamming.

Coming in after a birthday surfing session at Launiupoko.
April 4 and 5, 2017
The next 2 days were Windsurfing days at Kanaha, highlited by some waveriding at Lowers. Back at Puukoa I baked up some fresh bread and one night Joe barbequed up some thick Costco steaks using his secret Montreal steak sauce.

Joe jumping waves at Kanaha

Sailing out through the waves at Lowers
April 6, 2017
We all woke up late which meant we were fatigued from the weeks activities. We decided to take a day off the watersports. We drove to up to te Haiku Mart, and bought some rum and hot sauce, then drove up through Makawao to Pukulani. Cathy and Joe hunted for Chameleons where they had got them last year. We then went to Makawao for a bit then drove up to Kula's "Harold W. Rice Memorial"park, and had a picnic under blooming Jacaranda trees. Driving back down we went through Haliimaile then down Baldwin avenue, through to Paia, then back to Puukoa. For dinner I rustled up a Teriyaki Spam stir fry.
Joe practiced Beatles songs on his guitar.

Joe and Cathy relaxing at the beach

Picnic under the blooming Kula Jacaranda Trees
April 7, 2017
It was overcast this morning and a when we drove to Kanaha the wind was pretty light so we decided to drive to Ukumehame. We hung out with the John, R.o. and Kanoe and Randy Ukumehame crew until sunset.

Hanging out with the Ukumehame crew. John and Kanoe
April 8 to 11, 2017
With a lack of wind, the next two days were spent surfing. The first at Ukumehame and the second at Sugar Cove (Secrets). On the third day we went snorkeling at Makena Landing. I got a couple of video a turtle and Cathy was surprised by a bright yellow tiny Porcupine fish that had inflated itself. Joe got impaled by an annoying little sea urchin. The next day was sailing at Kanaha outside the reef and had to watchout for turtles, which seemed to be many on that day. Our Nitinat sailing buddy Alain also showed up.

Swimming with Turtles at Makena Landing
April 12, 2017
It was mostly slog sailing at Kanaha for me, but Joe faired a bit better. Joe had arranged to buy some Jackson Chameleons from a local and she met us in the Kanaha parking lot, after we had finished sailing. It was Joes birthday, so we headed to Cafe Mambo's in Paia. Alain joined us and also Cathy's freind Christina as well. Back at Puukoa, Cathy had made a tasty Chocolate birthday cake.

Joe and the Jackson Chamelion at Kanaha

Joes Birthday Dinner at Cafe Mambo
April 13, 2017
I assume the last few days of activities caused us to sleep late the next morning. For Lunch we stopped at the Food Court in Kahului. This time I order the mini plate of Karage chicken and ate half of it. The rest of the day was spent Stand up surfing at Launiupoko Beach Park. For dinner we at the rest of the lunch plate with an added salad that Cathy made for us.

I caught a few waves at Launiupoko.

As did Joe
April 14, 2017
It had rained last night and it was again looking like no wind. I noticed some unusual looking birds while sitting on the veranda drinking my morning coffee. I got a couple of pictures and identified them as Munia. Lots of other birds around our Puukoa residence. Little green birds called Japanese White eyes. A flock of Java Sparrow were an occassional visitor. A male Red Cardinal chirped every morning,staking out its territory. Myna birds were ubiquitous. Cattle Egrets seemed to make a morning upslope migration, probably from there communal night time roost.
After breakfast I did some repairs to my wood paddle.
We headed to Ukumehame and went Stand Up Surfing. Waves were fairly big with some overhead break. This made for some excellent surfing. For dinner we put together Chicken and green been stir fry.

A Chestnut Munia in the cane field

A Japanese White-eye on the Puukoa bushes

A Java Sparrow takes flight.

Waves were bigger at Ukumehame today

And glassy smooth.
April 15 and 16, 2017
The next two days were spent surfing at Ukumehame and then at Launiupoko. We had dinner at Pinata's the first night, where I had a big helping of Tamales. On the second night we pan fried some Aku Tuna.

Cathy and Joe at Ukumehame

Hanging out at the Cove Park in Kihei.
April 17, 2017
Big rain showers this morning and when we got to Kanaha it was pretty gusty wind, so we decided to do a bit of Costco shopping before driving to Mai Poina Park in Kihei. We hung around there pondering whether or not to rig a sail. We decided it was to much gust and lulls and then drove to the Cove Park and hung out there for awhle before heading back to Puukoa. For dinner Joe barbequed more steak but had to to wing it with a home made bbq sauce. Cathy made us a nice salad. Served with a nice red wine. Later that night Peter arrived to complete the Puukoa team.

Peter arrives to complete the Puukoa Team

Rigging just right.
April 18, 2017
This morning was as cool as it has been and dipped to 22 degree C. We Sailing at Kanaha was a bit light and I rigged my 5.5 Sailworks. Joe and Pete sailed on a half meter smaller sails. For dinner, Peter had put some Ribs in the oven earlier and it was fall off the bones tasty when it got served.

Pete and Joe head out towards Weird Wave

Joe heads out and Pete sails in.
April 19 to 21, 2017
The next day was spent Standup Surfing at Launiupoko where Peter got a surfing lesson from Joe. Peter caught on pretty quick and was had some fun. The next day we went to the Cove Park and surfed the afternoon away. On the third day there was no wind in the forecast, but there was huge surf breaking on the north shore. We decided to hike down the the Peahi (jaws reef) lookout. That was a good 3 hour excursion. To finish we went to Kanaha where Peter and Joe went windslogging. I opted out and relaxed a socialized on the beach. We had a second helping of Pete's Ribs and a Costco Cherry pie for dessert. On TV, we watch some of the Merrie Monarch Festival Hula competition.

Hiking down to Peahi Lookout

A 20 foot Jaws breaking Wave face.
April 22, 2017
Today was the Ha‘iku Ho’olaule’a and Flower Festival, which was held walking distance from Puukoa. After taking this in for a couple of hours, we headed to Kanaha and windsurfed the rest the afternoon. We left the beach late and decided to go to Cafe Mambo's for dinner.

Team Puukoa Breakfast

Pete sails out toward the Kanaha Lowers surf

At the Haiku Flower Festival
April 23, 2017
This morning I made us a good helping of bacon and eggs with panfried potatoes and basil topped tomatoes. We then went to Kanaha Beach and windsurfed breifly because the wind died after a short sailing session. I installed some stick on footstrap plugs on my SUP and then went windsupping.

Rigging up footstrap attachment on my Stand up paddle board

Then some WindSupping at Kanaha
April 24, 2017
For breakfast I baked some fresh bread which we had with a ration of bacon and eggs. Joe, Cathy and I headed to the Maui Aquarium at Ma'alea Harbor. Peter went straight to Kanaha where we joined him about 4 o'clock. I rigged a 5.0 and Joe his 4.5 Ezzy. There were absolutely no waves, so no weird wave to contend with. It was like sailing back home in Juan de Fuca Straight except we didn't need wet suits. For dinner we had fresh Ahi Tuna.

A day at the Aquarium

Then a windsurf session at Kanaha
April 25 and 26, 2017
Early in the morning Peter and Joe took Cathy to the airport. Aloha to Cathy and thanks for all the photography. Later we went windsurfing at Kanaha, and Peter rigged up his GoPro on his helmet and got some good video. The next morning, I produced the "Joe Jumps !" video.
The next afternoon was Windsurfing at Kanaha Lowers, trying to catch the perfect wave. It was fairly challenging for me because I had rigged my 5.0, which was a bit underpowered for the wind conditions. I prefer to have a slight smaller sail when wave sailing.
Joe Jumps!! from Randy Kashino on Vimeo.

Aloha to Peter who made his departure this morning
April 27, 2017
Peter made his departure this morning. Aloha to Peter. I made some hash brown potatoes and served them with bacon and eggs. Next was drive to Patao's car inspection in Wailuku and then to the Maui County office to re-register my car. We then went to Ukumehame beach, where surfing was excellent with glassy conditions and a 2 to 3 foot surf. Probably one of the best surfing sessions we've had. For dinner I put together a Ahi tuna Sashimi plate with rice and Kim Chee.

Ahi Tuna which I made into a Sashimi plate for dinner.
April 28, 2017
I was up early and made a breakfast of Poached eggs, bacon, hash browns and tomato. We drove to Ukumehame and were there by noon. First session was quite nice with flat conditions. We served the left break. The Kanaha crew had also showed up and they surfed for a couple of hours. My second session was pretty short because wind waves had appeared which made it pretty bumpy. I hung out on the beach with John Sewel and the rest of the Ukumehame crew. My third session was a long one, but didn't catch many waves. I was pretty tired and was falling a lot by the end of the session. Back at Puukoa I made a Pasta dinner of Fetuccine with a red sauce with beef and red peppers. I was dead tired crashed fairly early.

Nice surfing session at Ukumehame

The Kanaha Crew at Ukumehame
April 29, 2017
I woke up at 8 o'clock and there was a hard rain coming down with a westerly wind. A deep low had formed to the North of the Hawaiian Islands and was spinning lots of storm clouds down to us. The power went out for a couple of hours and then the water went off for a bit. Joe finally got up around 10 AM. I spent my time updating this blog and plucking on the Ukulele every once in awhile. I made a regular breakfast. Joe played his guitar, trying out some old James Taylor tunes. I worked on this blog for the day and was finished by 8 pm..phew!. For dinner we reheated the pasta from last night and ate inside out of the precipitation which was still pouring down. Watched a bit of TV and Joe went back to guitar playing focusing on CCR songs. I noticed the temperature dropping, and added an extra blanket to my bed.

Rainy day...Joe plays his guitar.

Rain on the Flame tree blossoms
April 30, 2017
It is raining, but lightly, when I woke up. The temperature at the Airport had dipped to 17.8 deg C (64 F) at 6 o'clock this morning. I totaled the precipitation at the Kahului Airport for the last 24 hours, and it came to 5.2 inches (132mm)! A "Kona Low" had positioned itself to the Northwest of the Oahu, so it looked like more rain and odd winds for today. I made our regular breakfast of bacon and eggs, and we pondered our activities for the the day. Late afternoon we decided to head into Kahului to do some shopping. Went to HiTech Surf shop, Second Wind and then Adventure Sport. To end the expedition, we went to Costco to get some groceries, and then bought a Pizza. We had the Pizza for dinner. The sun finally showed itself, setting over Molokai. This was a pretty spectacular site after all the intense rainfall for the last couple of days. We Watched an episode of "River Monsters" then PBS Nova's "Wild Weather" on TV... Also, Aloha to April...

Pizza and wine for Dinner

Sunset to the west over Molokai
May 1, 2017
A little overcast this morning, but the rain had finally stopped. Also, the temperature was back to a normal 27 degrees Centigrade (80 F). Made a breakfast of Bacon and Eggs with potato, tomato and Costco Bagels. Still Kona winds from southerly but fairly weak, so we decided to drive Launiupoko. When we got there the winds were light and it looked like there was some reasonable surf. When we went out an annoying wind started up side onshore. The surf turned out to be garbage wind waves. Lots of doubled up sets with not much energy. We stayed out for less than one hour before deciding it wasn't worthwhile. Had lunch and beers on the beach, then packed up and drove back to the north side. When we got to Kanaha Beach Park, we had to fjord the flooded roadway into the first lot. We dubbed it "Lake Kanaha". It wasn't looking inspiring for waves, so we headed home. Cooked up some Ahi with rice, Kim Chee and Brocolli for dinner. A nearly half moon was in the sky. Ended the night playing guitar and ukulele...

Apres surf at Launiupoko

Lake Kanaha

Near Half Moon at Dinner time
May 2, 2017
Sunny and warm this morning when I woke up. Sitting on the veranda, a pair of Cardinals sat on our tree for a bit, then a Java sparrow came for a bit of a visit. I spent a bit of time getting my GoPro's ready for a bit of action. Then made some coffee. We decided to head to the south and up to Launiupoko beach. Waves were looking pretty good so we paddled out and surfed for about an hour, until the the afternoon wind came up. We then put the boards back on the car and drove back to Ukumehame, where the wind was light. We paddled out to the left break which had 4 to 5 foot faces. The latest trending thing seems to be putting a foil on a Stand up board. A guy was out there doing a pretty good job of getting it going. I surfed a few waves there and then went to the middle reef break and got a couple of waves before coming in. Socialized with John and Kanoe for a bit. Joe came in at close to sunset. The sunset was very spectacular, setting brilliantly over Lanai to the west. Back at PuuKoa we had left over Spaghetti and Pizza for dinner, with red wine. A full half moon was overhead being slightly masked by some high clouds. Those clouds might be a hint of the trade winds returning...

Java Sparrow visitor

Waves were 4 to 5 feet today at Ukumehame

Trending Foil Standup Boards

Rider on Foil Standup Board

Spectacular Sunset over Lanai to the west

Half moon over Maui
May 3, 2017
Mostly overcast, but not raining this morning. Woke up about 8 o'clock. Made some coffee, and then did some repairs to my windsurfing booties using Flexseal. Kind of an experiment to see how well it compares to using Aquaseal. Made poached eggs with bacon and hashbrown potato for breakfast. We headed out a little after noon and drove directly to Ukumehame beach. No wind, waves were a lot smaller than yesterday, at about 2 to 3 feet. For the first session it was the reef to the right and I got a couple of good ones. After about an hour we came in to relax for a bit. For the second session, I rigged my GoPro on my paddle and surfed the middle break. We surfed quite late and ended up packing up past sunset. On the way home, we stopped at Pinata's had their Burrito Special plate for dinner.

Hand drag on a wave

Mellow surfing day at Ukumehame

Pinata's Buritto Special!
May 4, 2017
It sunny and clear sky when I woke up this morning. A bit of cloud over the west Maui mountains, hinted that the trade winds might be working today. Worked on wetsuit booties for a bit. Made a potato, pepper, onion, bacon and egg scramble for breakfast. Practiced a couple of new songs on my ukulele. The weather forecast looked like it was going to be windy. We headed to Kanaha and it was looking reasonable windy so I rig my 5.5 Sailworks and Joe rigged his 5.0. Once sailing I was pretty powered up and later I should have been sailing on my 5.0. Saw quite a few turtles out sailing and saw a reef shark just below the surface, on one of my reaches. My guesstimate is that it was about 4 feet long. I rigged my GoPro on my mast and did my final session taking video. After sailing we headed to Costco and picked up a pre-cooked chicken. We had that for dinner with rice and salad, while watching SyFi channels movie "Judge Dredd" on TV. I was pretty tired and crashed soon after that.

Windsurfing off Kanaha. A shot from my GoPro.
May 5, 2017
Cinco de Mayo
Sunny and warm again this morning, and trades were still active. Woke up quite late again, made a standard Puukoa Breakfast of Bacon and Eggs with panfried potatoes and a tomato. After breakfast I worked on the seal for the car rear lights. We then headed to Kanaha Beach Park. Winds looked about the same as yesterday, so I rigged my 5.5 Sailworks and Joe rigged his 4.5 Ezzy. For me I was in the near overpowered range as I sailed out. On one reach we sailed over a big Manta Ray, with about a 6 foot wingspan. On my session last wave, I got about 2 or 3 bottom turns. Relaxed on the beach for a bit with a beer and a banana. Joe headed back out first, while I spent some time rigging the GoPro on my boom. When I headed out I noted the winds had abated a bit, and my sailing rig was about perfect for the conditions. Joe and I mostly sailed together to get us framed in the GoPro. I ended my sailing session after about an hour, while Joe stayed out. In the parking lot grassy area, I socialized with Julia and Ben Jones, whom we had seen for awhile. Joe finally came in and we had beer and a sandwhich before packing up the gear and heading home. For dinner, I put together a Chicken rice stir fry for dinner served with Kim Chee. We watched "Thor, the Dark World" movie on Tv. After dinner I worked a bit on the GoPro Videos that I shot that day. I didn't last to long and was pretty tired from another great day of windsurfing...

RK and Joe sailing off Kanaha. Another great day of windsurfing.
May 6, 2017
Hint of early Mauka showers this morning on the deck. Looked like the trade winds were still blowing so another windsurfing day was in the works. I made another Puukoa breakfast. Tomato, panfried potatos with bacon and poached eggs on toast with a bagel and some Starbucks Italian roast coffee. The parking lot was pretty full when we arrived, but we settled on a good spot after they came free. On the water it was looking the same as yesterday, maybe a bit lighter. I rigged my 5.5 sailworks and Joe his 5.0 Ezzy. We headed for a great hour of sailing, with some long reaches offshore. Joe was getting into surfing the wind swell when they steepened up. Jumping was pretty good on the reef, with nothing to radical. Weird wave was pretty much non-existence. Still a few turtles. Joe said he had to jump over one that surfaced in front of him. I saw a few flying fish sail out of the water. On the reef I made a bottom turn or 2 on a couple of waves. Back at the beach we had a beer and small lunch before heading out for our second session. I rigged the GoPro again to document the ride. The wind had backed off quite a bit, but I was still planing, and some sustained gusts made the sailing pretty good. We were able to keep upwind and sailed back to the beach after about a half hour of sailing. The parking lot was starting to empty of the Saturday crowd when we set our gear up to dry. The trade winds were shutting down, and on our drive home past Hookipa, the sea was calm except for the ever present swell breaking. For dinner Joe heated up the remaining Pizza and made a great Chicken salad which we ate while watching some soccer on TV. Tired, I soon went to bed...

Another Pu'u Koa Breakfast

Windsurfing again off Kanaha. Joe's still Jumping!
May 7, 2017
The Mauka showers were very light this morning when I woke up. I sat on the veranda looking out toward the west Maui mountains. Japanese White-eye birds were foraging in the Tiare bush and I saw a house finch out in the canefield. I made our usual breakfast of bacon and eggs but added a bit of onion to the pan fried potatoes. Joe took notice of the scent from the Tiare bush just off our west veranda. He was releasing a Gecko when it lept from his hands into his cup of coffee. The Gecko swam free and then after some attempts to release it outside, it scuttled under a box in the kitchen. A wind came up at Puukoa and we thought it could mean we might get another day of windsurfing. When we got to Kanaha, Levi Siver was just comiing in off the water, and the wind looked really light. Only sailors with big sails (>7.0) were planing, so we decided to head to Ukumehame. When we got there R.O. was there and Johnny arrive a bit later, as we were getting our boards out. I rigged a GoPro on my board and headed out after Joe. Waves were pretty small and inconsistent. There seemed to by some wind swell coming from the Molokini/Kaholawe way. I managed to get a couple of waves them came in and rigged my camera on the Soloshot tracking tripod then headed back out for a final session. Interestingly, my stance was a bit more stable on the second session than on the first, for some reason. Could be the cross swell wasn't as bad, or I just got used to the wind waves. Joe came in first then I followed, catching a nice wave that took me over the reef for an easy paddle in. We packed up and said farewell to Johnny and R.O. then headed back to Puukoa. For dinner I made up an omelete of ham, cheese, red pepper and onion and served it with rice and Kim Chee and some rum. We watched River Monsters on TV. I strummed on the Ukulele for a bit then went to bed...

RK and Joe at a Pu'u Koa Breakfast

RK paddles out for a last surf session at Ukumehame

Catching that

last Ukumehame wave

Joe comes in after his last surfing session

RK paddles in after his last wave for this adventure
E kamau iho i ka hoe !
Ku Hoe Pa'a !
Ku Holoholo Pa'a !

Aloha 'Oe
E kamau iho i ka hoe! : Keep on Paddling
Mele Kalikimaka: Merry Christmas
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou: Happy New Year
Ku Holoholo Pa'a: Keep Sailing Hard
Ku Hoe Pa'a: Stand, Paddle Hard
Ku Hoe He'e Nalu: Stand Up Paddle Surfing
Hau'oli la hanau: Happy birthday
Anuenue hulali o kakahiaka: Brilliant Rainbow of the morning
Mai Huli`oe I Kokua o Ke Kai !: Don't turn your back to the ocean !
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since 2017/05/04