All Contents of this Page Copyright(2011) of Randolph Kashino
How to Make Pasta in Maui

1 cup Flour

Make a Haleakala volcano depression in the flour

Crack 2 eggs into the Volcano

Sacrifice a little bit of Virgin olive oil

Beat the egg while mixing with the flour

Soon it will become clumped together

Knead the dough into a ball

Wrap the dough in some plastic wrap and let sit for about an hour

Put a generous coat of flour on your cutting board and split the dough into 2 pieces

Form the dough into a flat rectangle

Use your Mai Tai tumbler to roll out the dough as thin as possible

Cut the pasta into linguine or fetuccine wide strips. Repeat for other piece of dough. Put into pot of boiling water that has had salt and little bit of olive oil added

Serve with your favourite sauce and wine