Victoria Restaurant Reviews

On-Line Submission Form

Share your favourite restaurant with other Victorians. Reviews sent to us by Wednesday should appear on-line by the following Monday.

Please fill in as much (or as little) information as you wish. Please keep your comments positive and criticisms constructive. We will not publish libellous statements (anything defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents) or anonymous reviews and reserve the right to edit all submissions. Please type in upper and lower case letters.

Restaurant Name:

Address or Location:

Phone (if known):

Restaurant Type:

Price: $, $$, $$$

Rating: *, **, ***, ****

My Review:
(Please include comments on the menu, house specialities, atmosphere and service.)

Reviewed by:

Reviewer's E-mail:

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Created: July 21, 1996
Last Modified: August 29, 1996
By: Michael Korican