The Following Images Were Made Using An SBIG ST-5C CCD

Image is Much Enlarged

Exposure time: 6 minutes 6x1 minute exposure using "Track and Accumulate"
Date: March 14, 1999


                        Viewing Aid: Flip-Mirror Finder Device by True Technology.
                        Laptop Computer: Acer 760C (486DX50) with DOS and Win.3.1.
                        Mount: Astro Physics 400QMD GEM (portable setup); with encoders and NGC-MAX from JMI.
                        Telescope: 4" TeleVue Genesis SDF F/5.4 (540mm focal length).
                        Observing site: Backyard at Lat. 49d27m48s North Long. 123d18m30sWest
                        Light Pollution: Moderate
                        Filter: IRB
                        CCD Control Program: CCDOPS Version 3.80 Image Processing:
                        Initial stage: CCDOPS Win version 4.05. Second: (if required), Paint Shop Pro v. 5.01
                        Saved images: JPG image format.

Messier 51

Date: April 16, 1999 Exposure: Total of 10 minutes (10x1 minutes "track and accumulate".) Telescope: Celestron 8" SCT @F/3.4 (Focal reducer). Filter: None. No hand guiding, mount is an Astro Physics 400 GEM (PEC applied). Light pollution: moderate (Moon past First-Quarter). Image processing: (Dark and Flat Fielded) SBIG CCDOPS (Win95/98) version 4.05; MaxIm DL version 1.63; and some final "tweaking" with Paint Shop Pro (5.01).

Messier 3

Date: April 16, 1999, Exposure time 90 seconds: Telescope: 8" Celestron working at F/3.7 on the AP400 QMD GEM. Observing site: Backyard at Lat. 49d27m48s North Long. 123d18m30s West Light Pollution: Moderate. Filter: None CCD Control Program: CCDOPS Version 3.80 Image Processing: Initial stage: CCDOPS Win version 4.05. Second: (if required) Paint Shop Pro v. 5.01 Saved images: JPG image format

Messier 104

Date: April 23, 1999,Exposure: Total of 10 minutes (10x1 minutes "Track and Accumulate".) Telescope: Celestron 8" SCT @F/3.7 (Focal reducer). Filter: None No hand guiding, mount is AP 400 GEM (PEC applied). Light pollution: moderate (Moon past First-Quarter). Image processing: (Dark and Flat Fielded) SBIG CCDOPS (Win95/98) version 4.05; MaxIm DL version 1.63; and some final "tweaking" with Paint Shop Pro (5.01).

Messier 57

Date May 22, 1999, Exposure time: 3 minutes - 6x30 seconds "Track and Accumulate". Mount: AP400QMD GEM. Telescope: 6" ARO Maksutov-Cassegrain working at F/10. Observing site: Backyard at Lat. 49d27m48s North Long. 123d18m30s West Light Pollution: Moderate/Heavy (City search light). Moon: First-Quarter. Filter: None. CCD Control Program: CCDOPS Version 3.80 (DOS). Image Processing: Initial stage: CCDOPS Win version 4.05. Second: Paint Shop Pro v. 5.01 Saved images: Are in JPG/GIF/TIF image formats.

Other ST-5C Images are:

  • Messier 64
  • Messier 100

  • All Images are ©Chris. Spratt