Pacific Marine Technology Centre

Western Subsea Technology's offices are located at the Pacific Marine Technology Centre's (PMTC) five-acre waterfront site in downtown Victoria. The basic objective of the Pacific Marine Technology Centre Society is to foster technical growth in the marine sector. It's 20-man Board of Directors is composed mostly of professional managers representing industry, government laboratories, and academia.

Stereo Photogrammetry

Western Subsea has recently participated with the Institute of Ocean Sciences (Victoria), the University of Calgary, and Cadence Engineering in the development of an ROV mounted camera system which will be used for underwater photogrammetry. This capability will be important to the determination of the year class of fish in situ and to the ground-truthing of bottom substrates using RoxAnntm.

Underwater Search and Location

Strider System

Fish Stock Assessment

Environmental Survey

Habitat Classification

Diving Services


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