The STRIDER system is a low cost integrated survey capability for use in applications such as:
  • Environmental baseline studies
  • Outfall inspections
  • Emergency response (eg. oil spill)
  • Fish stock assessment
  • Wreck investigations (ships/aircraft)
  • Habitat classification
  • Location of underwater artifacts (eg. archaeology)
  • A typical system configuration is as shown in the photo. The system records data from the following sensors:

  • Differential GPS
  • Sidescan sonar
  • Underwater positioning
  • Compass heading
  • Rotary scan sonar
  • RoxAnntm
  • ROV video imagery
  • Data is recorded in situ for post processing at a later date.

    A key element in the STRIDER system is Western Subsea's FISHCHART vector based bathymetric electronic charting system. It acts as the central control element with which all data is georeferenced. Western Subsea creates its own electronic charts for specialized search applications.

    Underwater Search and Location

    Strider System

    Fish Stock Assessment

    Environmental Survey

    Habitat Classification

    Diving Services


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